
Posted on Thursday 15 June 2006

    Dawn C.
    June 16, 2006 | 11:13 AM

    Long live the REALITY BASED assessment!

    friendly joe
    June 16, 2006 | 6:41 PM

    I have watched and hoped and been disappointed. Now I am doubting. I think it’s over and they’ve exonerated Mr. Rove of any legal malfeasance. Too bad, but I fear it is a Reality Based observation.
    I’d suggest we find some way to beat them at the polls. That seems to be our one option left. Not a bad option, by the way. It will definitely tell us how badly we want it to and believe it should change.

    June 19, 2006 | 8:39 AM

    I dunno. Maybe the guy said “no comment” because like the rest of us he’s just sick of talking about it. Maybe he’s just disgusted to have gone so far to only come away with a possible scooter-pop in the pokey?

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