don’t forget New Orleans…

Posted on Saturday 24 June 2006

Just back from a week’s jaunt to celebrate a 40th wedding anniversary and take a look at the Gulf Coast and New Orleans. I wrote about it with lots of pictures on another blog []. You have to start back a page and come forward [blogs are just that way]. I’ll not reiterate it here, but New Orleans is still largely a ghost town. It’s simply overwhelming!

I was awed at how far they’ve come, and staggered by how far they have to go. My message is simple, Don’t forget New Orleans! It’s an American Tragedy. The people there are doing their best. They were universally eager to talk about it, and seem up to the task – but they’re years away from anything remotely normal.

It was good to get back, and a particularly wonderful thing to read over the threads on Firedoglake in response to Jane Hamsher’s mother’s death. The "blogosphere" has become quite a community…

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