house of cards…

Posted on Wednesday 18 October 2006

We are under the control of an unlikely alliance of Christian mega church televangelists, pro-israel Jews, military hawks, corporate businessmen, the rich, political Conservatives, old school Republicans, and right wing think tanks with tons of financial support. It’s hard to define precisely what these people actually stand for. If you want to read about it, read The Neoconservative Persuasion by Irving Kristol, its founder. My guess is that you won’t know much more after you read it than you knew before you started. So I’m going with "What Reagan did" or "What Bush does" as the best it can be defined. Some things are clear. They oppose the U.N. They use words like patriotism, integrity, courage, strength like they were used in John Wayne movies. They oppose social welfare programs. They are warlike, military interventionists. They have a Machiavellian relationship to power, seeking to centralize it in the Executive Branch of the government. They seem to have little respect for the Constitution or other such documents like – the Bill of Rights, The Geneva Conventions, the U.N. Charter, the Magna Carta. From my perspective, it is simply Fascism – the rule of the powerful.

Is it a house of cards? By any parameter I can see, it has been a dismal failure. They’ve cut taxes, inflated the economy, and done some rather remarkable saber rattling. In the process, they’ve run the national debt up with no plan about what to do about it. They’ve gotten us into an indefensible war that’s killed thousands, cost billions, and alienated the world. They’ve ignored Congress, even though they control it and turned it into a breeding ground for corruption. And they’ve governed by lies – we can’t know anything that’s actually gone on except through whistle blowers. Their major source of strength has been rampant religious fanaticism, fueled by the legalization of abortion and the drive of Homosexuals for equal rights. They’ve redefined "Liberalism" to be anything they don’t want, and stay in power by divisive straw man attacks on their self-defined adversaries – the caricatures they call Liberals.

My personal worry is not that it is a House of Cards, of course it is. But they’re able to rebuild it over and over. They fomented for eight years during the Clinton Presidency, and came back with a malignant version in the Administration of George Bush. Even if it is blown down in November, or in 2008, what will bring it to an end? We need for both Parties to be honest in approaching our governance in the context of our Constitution. This time, the abuse of our country for the last six years has to be completely exposed, not swept under the rug.

I’m not sure we’re going to survive this Administration. I doubt we have another one in us.  

    October 19, 2006 | 10:53 AM


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