good for Joe…

Posted on Monday 6 February 2006

from today’s hearings:

BIDEN: Let me very precise.
BIDEN: I have not heard of NSA saying to the Intelligence Committee, "We are binding ourselves as we engage in this activity under the minimization procedures of 12333, as well as other statutes." I’m unaware that that’s written down or stated anywhere or been presented to the Intelligence Committee. Can you assure us that has been done?
GONZALES: No, sir, I can’t assure you that.
BIDEN: Can you assure us, General, that you are fully, totally informed and confident that you know the absolute detail with which this program is being conducted? Can you assure us you personally can assure us that no one is being eavesdropped upon in the United States other than someone who has a communication that is emanating from foreign soil by a suspected terrorist, Al Qaida or otherwise?
GONZALES: Sir, I can’t give you absolute assurance of the kind that you’ve asked for.
BIDEN: Who can?
    February 7, 2006 | 10:21 AM

    >BIDEN: Who can?

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