speaking of wars…

Posted on Saturday 11 February 2006

The most interesting thing on the web right now is the Barbara Comstock Affair at Firedoglake. She’s is charge of Scooter Libby’s Defense Fund.

She may be also be the mother-of-all-dirty-tricksters [2000 RNC Bush Campaign Research, Florida Recount, Ashcroft’s spokesperson, etc.] Look in the comments section of the post on FDL for all the goodies about Barbara, a former Ted Kennedy staffer who got born-again reading Orrin Hatch! [I didn’t know he could write].

Where do these people come from?

Update: Well, Barbara Comstock appears to have had her fingers in a lot of nastiness in her days with the Republican machine – trashing Clinton, the 2000 Bush Campaign, the Florida re-count, Ashcroft’s confirmation, Delay’s defense, etc. She sure got a lot more out of reading Orrin Hatch than I ever did. Summarized on the Firedoglake’s website. along with a pretty good argument that she shouldn’t even be allowed to be on the case at all?

I still think my question is valid. Where do they find these people?
    Dawn C.
    February 11, 2006 | 1:27 PM

    This’ll be fun! Thanx for the project and LINKS. Barbara Ledeen is Michael Ledeen’s wife. (…Activist Barbara Ledeen yesterday challenged one part of the Brock excerpt in which he maintains that the two of them wrote a radio script attacking Strange Justice and faxed it to Rush Limbaugh, who is said to have used it on his radio show.) http://rightweb.irc-online.org/org/iwf.php

    see also M. Ledeen’s ‘eulogy’ … The Three Barbara’s, @ http://www.nationalreview.com/contributors/ledeen091301.shtml ~and:

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