McClellan’s Bushisms…

Posted on Tuesday 14 February 2006

Everyone is ticked about McClellan’s withholding information. I guess I’m used to that. This kind of thing is what gets to me:

But by the time of Mr. McClellan’s noon briefing, when the press secretary was aware of Mr. Whittington’s downturn but did not disclose it to reporters, his tone was serious, even as he was at times impatient with the persistent questions about the shooting. "If you want to continue to spend time on that, that’s fine," Mr. McClellan said. "We’re moving on to the priorities of the American people."

That’s the kind of thing that Bush says too. He implies that people who are questioning something he does are being petty and that he’s above all that and the one who is really focused of the public good. I hope we get some really powerful opportunity to set both Bush and McClellan very, very straight on that point.

While I’m at it, there are pedicted articles coming from both sides of the fence saying "drop this shooting accident story." In the scope of things, they’re right. It’s small compared to the other scandals. But I say "no" not because it’s a way to trash Bu$hCo, but because dropping stories is what got us where we are today. One reason to pusue this one is that there are ways to get information so the Spin can be exposed. With many of their baloney stories, they hold all the cards and the information that leads to the truth is hidden for literally years. Look how long and how much work it’s taken to even slightly penetrate the Plame affair. I say, "drop nothing!" "Damn the torpedos. Full speed ahead." "Take no prisoners!"

We’ve had enough of these people…

    Dawn C.
    February 15, 2006 | 2:59 PM

    Hear Hear ! -Full speed ahead! My contention is that SOME of the stories are “rubber bisquits” anyway; tossed into the public arena with an intentionally sinister trajectory– the more people that bite down, all ‘the better’ for the aggressive neo-agenda to proceed–DESPITE THE AVALANCHE of REAL SCANDAL that should have burried them by now. (remember, ‘they’re an empire now; they’re THE ACTORS’–and while we in the reality-based community, continue to spend our time, judiciously studying their CRIMES, they’ll have created a NEW ‘REALITY’…

    I heard a caller to the ED Schultz show suggest that PERHAPS Mr. Whittington agreed to “take one for the team”. Absurd? YES. But CAN WE rule that possibility out, when working from within the INCREDIBLY ABSURD CONSTRUCT these “actors” have, so far succeeded, in creating?

    I even consider it possible that Mr. Whittington has already died. (But I’ll not say that out loud.)

    22 hours is simply too ridiculous of an amount of time for us to NOT SPECULATE/all the better to keep us off the (revealing) Valerie Plame connect to IRAN and the (FORGED NIGER-) LIES that brought US into fighting THEIR ILLEGAL war!

    YES. We need to expose these people. “Little Irving” (slippery-Bill) Kristol is absolutely gleeful that the cartoons (his ‘Clash of Civilizations’ prong) have already
    swayed public opinion so easily, directly, against Iran.
    (and THIS, in my inbox this AM!)

    “One of the most prominent figures in neoconservatism, Frank Gaffney, has released a new book, War Footing, which along with nine other recommendations urges the adoption of a National Neighborhood Muslim Watch program. -For the sake of convenience, the next obvious step would require Muslims to wear identifying badges on their outer garments.

    “ENOUGH ALREADY” (to quote Michael Ledeen on attacking Iran)

    EXPOSE!!!!! ( …”Let’s Roll”) PHASE II PHASE II PHASE II

    Dawn C.
    February 15, 2006 | 3:17 PM

    Would any of us be surprised if this or-rovian ‘controlled’ media frenzy turns out to be a part of Cheney’s “EXIT STRATEGY” Much more graceful to step down over a staged fury, than to face THE Office of Special Plans’ inquiry (PHASE II) OR the illegal NSA domestic spy program (which also implicates Cheney) or:

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