I’m trying to decide how I would feel if Al Gore were still Vice President and he’d shot a fellow hunter on a quail hunt in our homeland Tennessee. It’s hard, because straight-arrow Al would’ve called a press conference and announced it himself in front of the hospital. I’m pretty sure that’s right. Actually, as […]
Not being one who reads the right wing blogs, I naively said below, "Next step? ‘The Liberal Media is blowing this all out of proportion!’ " little knowing they were already saying it: "Unfortunately, this is very bad news for the White House–and not just because of the inevitable late-night jokes that will inundate the […]
My father was a sportsman, a big time sportsman. His passion was Bass, but hunting was right in there. As a kid, hunting clothing and a shotgun were under the Christmas tree as soon as I got large enough to barely fit in the smallest available size. There were a few rules. All guns are […]
The Trust Gap, the Editorial in today’s New York Times is overdue, but welcomed anyway. I’d have preferred a title like No Trust. "We can’t think of a president who has gone to the American people more often than George W. Bush has to ask them to forget about things like democracy, judicial process and […]
Them boys! They go a huntin’ and look at what happens! Armstrong said she was watching from a car while Cheney, Whittington and another hunter got out of the vehicle to shot at a covey of quail late afternoon on Saturday. Whittington shot a bird and went to look for it in the tall grass, […]
Left Coaster is posting about the Abramoff emails. I thought I’d just show one to paint the background of his advocacy of the Indian Tribes: Isn’t he special?
Jane Smiley’s Huffington Post article is telling. Did you ever think you’d read an article like this? an article that warns about the Administration suspending elections? and take it serious? I take it seriously serious…
Yesterday, I posted about the New York Times oped by the head of the C.I.A., an obvious Administration Karl Rove Spin to Win strike about the N.S.A. Unwarranted Domestic Surveillance. There’s been a rebuttal, by Sybil Edmonds, F.B.I. whistle-blower, a damn fine rebuttal. Here are some highlights: Your comments are predictably consistent with the pattern […]
georgia on my mind… When I was a kid, I always had a sort of paradoxical reaction to old people. In the 60’s, the worst possible thing to be was "over thirty" – stodgy, conventional, scared, reactionary. Then, when we all started getting older, we just pushed the ceiling up to accomodate our aging – […]
The most interesting thing on the web right now is the Barbara Comstock Affair at Firedoglake. She’s is charge of Scooter Libby’s Defense Fund. She may be also be the mother-of-all-dirty-tricksters [2000 RNC Bush Campaign Research, Florida Recount, Ashcroft’s spokesperson, etc.] Look in the comments section of the post on FDL for all the goodies […]