
Posted on Monday 12 June 2006

Four weeks ago, during the time when we reported that White House political adviser Karl Rove was indicted for crimes related to his role in the leak of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson, the grand jury empanelled in the case returned an indictment that was filed under seal in US District Court for the District of Columbia under the curious heading of Sealed vs. Sealed.

As of Friday afternoon that indictment, returned by the grand jury the week of May 10th, remains under seal – more than a month after it was handed up by the grand jury.

The case number is "06 cr 128." On the federal court’s electronic database, "06 cr 128" is listed along with a succinct summary: "No further information is available."

We have not seen the contents of the indictment "06 cr 128". But the fact that this indictment was returned by the grand jury hearing evidence in the CIA leak case on a day that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald met with the grand jury raised a number of questions about the identity of the defendant named in the indictment, whether it relates to the leak case, and why it has been under seal for a month under the heading Sealed vs. Sealed.


Sealed vs. Sealed
By Jason Leopold
t r u t h o u t

There’s a saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Jason Leopold took a big hit for his report of a Rove indictment in t r u t h o u t that didn’t materialize. Now Jason’s back, either on a face-saving wild goose chase, or onto a blockbuster secret. It’s a hard call. It’s highly possible that Rove cut some kind of a deal with Patrick Fitzgerald for a sealed indictment, or that our current faux Attorney General or someone higher up was involved in such a deal. That would be classic Rove to pull off such a thing.

Marc Ash, editor of t r ut h o u t is sticking with him on this [see "06 cr 128"]. I think I’m going to stay with Jason for a while too. My reasons:

  1. There was a mammoth effort to trash Jason with his first article – way beyond anything that was necessary had he not been onto something.
  2. The attacks on Jason were surprisingly vicious. They smelled "Rovian" to me.
  3. t r ut h o u t is not a "rag." It has been a contender in the blogger’s world – not 100%, but certainly not kookie.
  4. Rove appears to be actually guilty. Too many lies this time for even him to slime his way out of. Something is going to come of this [see reddhedd’s comments on the C.I.A. Leak Investigation Panel at yearlyKos]. I personally think that he’s probably actually guilty of the big charge – knowingly outing an undercover agent.

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