history repeats itself…

Posted on Thursday 27 July 2006

So much to talk about. So little time. John Bolton up for review [Argh]. Newt Gingrich in the news fomenting war [double Argh]. The Middle East going up in flames, itching for World War III.  But what I want to say is old business – the "Phase II" investigation of the Iraqi prewar Intelligence, Douglas Feith [Al Qaeda ties to Iraq], the Aluminum Tubes, and the Niger Forgeries. Emptywheel has a good post about Senator Pat Robertson’s endless procrastination in even working on this report. Remember this is what Harry Reid got the Senate to discuss behind closed doors.

Emptywheel references the Spencer Ackerman article about Phase II, Don’t Expect Phase II or Intelligence Reform from Pat Roberts [the title says it all] and the Rolling Stone article, Iran: The Next War, by James Bamford [again, a very clear title]. The point is that they’re doing it again. They’re behind the scenes creating a scenario for Bush to take us into a war with Iran, just like they did with Iraq. It’s all orchestrated, just like Iraq.

Basically, such things would have been paranoid thinking in any other circumstance, but in this case, it’s not paranoia, it’s clear as a bell. The best indicator of future behavior in past behavior. The neocons are all over the place demanding war with Iran and saying Condi isn’t tough enough. Mr. Iran, John Bolton, is also all over the place fomenting discord. Israel is going after a mouse with an Elephant Gun. And the Administration is trying to figure out where to get the money, the soldiers, and the justification to attack Iran. And Senator Pat Robertson is ignoring his investigation of the roots and deceit of the Iraq Fiasco. Reckon he’s part of the plan? Instead of looking into the last colossal blunder, we’re going full speed ahead into the next one. So Phase II isn’t old business, it’s present business…

    July 28, 2006 | 12:52 AM

    You left a ‘son’ on your Roberts, M.
    Horray for you, we NEED to hear about PHASE II.

    Something to read: Please don’t shy away from it, it is worth a smidge of time.
    An analysis of media rhetoric on its way to war against Iran – Commenting on the alleged statements of Iran’s President Ahmadinejad .

    Abby's mom
    July 28, 2006 | 11:01 AM

    Hezbollah is proving to be more than a mouse.

    July 30, 2006 | 9:15 AM

    […] At last! At least someone is talking about it! Where is Phase II [see below]? […]

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