
Posted on Tuesday 8 August 2006

So, there are no deer on Prince Edward Island. Reason? The ice doesn’t freeze as deeply as it used to, so they can’t walk across anymore. And the Cod off of Nova Scotia are disappearing. Reason? They like cold water and it’s not so cold anymore. Could it be Global Warming?

But, on the other hand, looks like Ned Lamont is going to beat has beaten Joe Lieberman in Connecticut!

    August 8, 2006 | 9:30 PM

    Closer than the polls and the experts thought, but it looks like Lamont will pull out the W. With 83.5% reporting, Lamont is ahead by 3.8% and holding. Goodbye Joe!

    August 11, 2006 | 3:17 AM
    8/11/2006 Analysis
    smithg.jpg (3545 bytes)AIPAC Espionage Case Dismissal Gambit Fails:

    Ellis Opinion clears way for Logan Act and FARA Prosecutions

    by Grant F. Smith

    An August 9, 2006 opinion by presiding Judge TS Ellis III and forthcoming ruling has dealt a decisive blow to forces supporting full dismissal of the AIPAC espionage case.

    friendly joe
    August 17, 2006 | 10:02 AM

    Strange happening on trying to read your blog tthis morning. The only way I could get anything other than the frame work was to “right click”, choose “select all”, and then “copy.” At that point your latest posting (I think) came into view. This happened three times, so I thought you’d like to know. Sometimes I have problems with your daughter’s blog because she uses Firefox and I am still a MS Internet explorer user, but not so much recently. This is the first such problem I’ve had with your site. Glad you’re back home by the way. Super glad Woofie came through the wars with only the Purple Heart.

    friendly joe
    August 17, 2006 | 9:23 PM

    Whatever the problem with getting your site to come up earlier was has now cleared up.

    Abby's mom
    August 18, 2006 | 7:12 AM

    “Super glad Woofie came through the wars with only the Purple Heart.”

    And the purple chest.

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