the data-free presidency of George W. Bush…

Posted on Monday 4 September 2006

"We ought to make the tax relief permanent. I like it when people are working for a living, have more after-tax money in their pocket," Bush said as he marked Labor Day by touring a maritime training center on Maryland’s southern shoreline.

"To make sure that we’re the economic leader of the world, we got to keep taxes low," he added.

Bush was courting members of the Seafarers International Union, whose leadership has maintained friendly ties with him, in contrast to many U.S. unions’ support for Democrats.

Bush told the workers it was clear that "dependence on foreign oil jeopardizes our capacity to grow."

Similar to the ‘hit and run’ spin mentioned below, Bush is a master of speeches like this one – absurd speeches, I might add. "We ought to make the tax relief permanent" is typical. The tax-cut formula he inherited from Reagan and his father is simple – cut taxes and run up the national debt.



"I like it when people are working for a living, have more after-tax money in their pocket."  I think that’s the extent of his thought, "I like it." Most of his speeches are like this, data-free.  And what does "To make sure that we’re the economic leader of the world, we got to keep taxes low" mean? Is he suggesting that we can lure people to move here for the low taxes? It’s just a statement out of the blue, disconnected from any apparent or fathomable reason. It’s like his recent talking about unemployment being down:

He fails to mention, "from being up" since he took office. Or in his last radio address [mentioned below], he reports that the Commanders in Iraq are optimistic, a day after the Commanders in Iraq turned in their very gloomy quarterly report to Congress. 

Every time I read one of his speeches [I can’t watch], I blurt out "What is he talking about" and start looking for data. The result is always like these examples. I don’t recall anyone ever doing this before – just plain making up things to say that sound good. It’s remarkable. Katherine Harris is trying to get away with it in Florida, and is getting massacred in the Press. How does Bush get away with doing it? All of this data is from It’s easy to find. Do we collectively think he is so dumb and inarticulate that we just don’t care what he says? If that’s the case, why do we keep a dumb and inarticulate man around to run our country? And speaking of the economy, the Stock Market hasn’t exactly thrived on his watch:

I’d like to go on record as saying that "We ought to make the tax relief permanent" isn’t a very good idea.

AND, by the way, I don’t think George W. Bush read even one Shakespeare! 

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