
Archive for September, 2006

and another thing…

( life andpolitics )

In following up the last post, it’s a trap for the Democratic Candidates to position themselves on the other side of the Bush argument. The correct thing to do is dissect the Administration’s arguments, to analyze them in depth for what is reasonable, and what is crazy. Our government is deeply paranoid right now. One […]

our affliction…

( life andpolitics )

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."Franklin Delano Roosevelt Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a true mental illness. It’s not a debatable condition, something made up by soldiers for compensation or sympathy. Human Beings placed in situations that grossly overwhelm the mind are left with a permanent set of often disabling symptoms. […]


We don’t much think of greatness these days. Great leaders, it seems, are the stuff of history books. I guess George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln come to mind. Many would include Alexander Grahm Bell or Thomas Edison. In more recent times, Winston Churchill or even F.D.R. In my lifetime of real memory, Martin Luther […]

the data-free presidency of George W. Bush…

Bush says tax cuts helping workers "We ought to make the tax relief permanent. I like it when people are working for a living, have more after-tax money in their pocket," Bush said as he marked Labor Day by touring a maritime training center on Maryland’s southern shoreline. "To make sure that we’re the economic […]

Spin City…

emptywheel‘s post on The Next Hurrah, Debunking the Runaway Prosecutor Claims, points up one of the receurrent media problems we’ve faced over the Bush years. As she points out, the revelation that Richard Armitage was Robert Novak’s source has nothing to do with Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigation. It certainly doesn’t exonerate Cheney, or Rove, or Libby […]

a great quote for we Southerners to remember…

( life )

friend Adam sends this one along: “We speak now against the day when our Southern people who will resist to the last these inevitable changes in social relations, will, when they have been forced to accept what they at one time might have accepted with dignity and goodwill, will say, ‘Why didn’t someone tell us […]

the answer is blowin’ in the wind…

There’s a Huffington Post article "outing" Ken Mehlman and Karl Rove’s father by James Moore, The Closets of Karl and Ken. I have ambivalent feelings about the article. On the one hand, why would Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman participate or even author this monsterous anti-homosexual policy of the Republicans and the Religious Right? On […]

the “Spell”

The elections in November 2004 brought a great darkness to my soul. 2000 was bad enough, though it was a different time. President Clinton had fallen on a morality pot-hole, and, in my opinion, took Gore down with him. In 2000, I guess I thought we were going to have to endure another one of […]

want to read something about Georgia?

A Lesson in Leadership and Fearlessness from Max Cleland by Arianna Huffington.

want to read something amazing?

Glenn Greenwald of Unclaimed Territory was the guest reviewer on Firedoglake‘s Book Salon’s review of John Dean’s book, Conservatives Without Conscience. The books are pouring out these days, and I’m getting picky about what to order – but they certainly convinced me that this one is worth the time and money. But what’s amazing is […]