Dobson again…

Posted on Monday 9 October 2006

What does the reprehensible behavior of a now-disgraced gay Republican congressman have to do with Christian conservatives? Nothing, says the founder of Focus on the Family Action. …

Speaking on his nationally syndicated radio program, Dobson made a point of distinguishing between the actual behavior of the former Florida congressman — who resigned after sending inappropriate e-mails and messages to teenaged pages — and the scandal the media is trying to generate while seeking the ouster of House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.

"A representative who has been a closet homosexual for years, apparently, was finally caught doing something terribly wrong and when the news broke, he packed up his things and went home," Dobson said.
"(It was released by liberals on) the last day of the session of Congress, when it couldn’t be responded to do — the last day," he said. "It is the day you would not want something like this to break. And they’ve known it for years. They’ve held it for years, and then they threw it out there on the last day of the session demanding that the speaker of the house resign."
So far, it’s "closet homosexual" and "released by liberals" – now on to "liberal media," "Democrats," and their attack on "values voters."

At heart, Dobson said, what the liberal media and some Democrats have been trying to do in the way they played this story, is to suppress the turnout of values voters on Nov. 7.

"What they really want to do is to convince (value voters) that ‘all of Washington is wicked and evil, and there is no sense in your even voting, because one’s as bad as another,’ " he said, "and to impugn the character of those who are trying to live a righteous life, even if imperfectly.
Dobson encouraged his listeners not to be duped by liberal members of the media into staying home on election day, especially since there may be another Supreme Court opening or two in the next two years and the results of this election will determine who gets to confirm the president’s nominees. "If the values voters come out again," he said, "it will turn the direction of this country, and maybe forever." 

He seems to have dropped his "prank" theory. "If the values voters come out again," he said, "it will turn the direction of this country, and maybe forever." Forever with these charlatans is a very, very long time. What if his "values voters" come out voting actual values and stop listening to Dobson’s poison?

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