a cry for the human spirit…

Posted on Monday 23 October 2006

America, founded in secularism as a beacon of eighteenth century enlightenment, is becoming the victim of religious politics, a circumstance that would have horrified the Founding Fathers. The political ascendancy today values embryonic cells over adult people. It obsesses about gay marriage, ahead of genuinely important issues that actually make a difference to the world. It gains crucial electoral support from a religious constituency whose grip on reality is so tenuous that they expect to be ‘raptured’ up to heaven, leaving their clothes as empty as their minds. More extreme specimens actually long for a world war, which they identify as the ‘Armageddon’ that is to presage the Second Coming.

Not one to mince words, Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion. While it seems almost harsh to speak so bluntly, I think he has a strong point. I would personally argue that it is organized religion that is the problem. It appears to me that organized religion always becomes a political force, often destructive, maybe even usually destructive. The spiritual life of individuals is one thing, a private matter for each of us. But, it seems that giving shared religious beliefs a free reign has been a terrible mistake – a recurrent mistake throughout history.  Dawkins says:

My scientific colleagues have additional reasons to declare emergency. Ignorant and absolutist attacks on stem cell research are just the tip of an iceberg. What we have here is nothing less than a global assault on rationality, and the Enlightenment values that inspired the founding of this first and greatest of secular republics. Science education – and hence the whole future of science in this country – is under threat. Temporarily beaten back in a Pennsylvania court, the ‘breathtaking inanity’ (Judge John Jones’s immortal phrase) of ‘intelligent design’ continually flares up in local bush-fires. Dowsing them is a time-consuming but important responsibility, and scientists are finally being jolted out of their complacency. For years they quietly got on with their science, lamentably underestimating the creationists who, being neither competent nor interested in science, attended to the serious political business of subverting local school boards. Scientists, and intellectuals generally, are now waking up to the threat from the American Taliban.
Here, he is on the solidest of grounds. Whereas, the search for the spirit needs to remain in the range of protected individual rights in this country, what has happened in this last six or more years is an abomination. Primitive ideas from an ancient set of religious myths being invoked to actually direct national policy, or to dictate what is and is not science, is the stuff of bad science fiction – impossible to believe if we hadn’t lived it for more than a few years. The open attack on Homosexuality, the invasion of the privacy and disrespect for women, and the interference with scientific research will be known in future history books as the Revival of the Dark Ages. Hooray for Dr. Dawkins and others who are brave enough to stand up to the religious demagogues who have denigrated the search for the inner man, turning it into a deluded lynch mob attacking others with misguided righteous indignation, who have impeded the march of science based on an anachonistic mythology that is superfluous even to the religion that fuels it, who are blind to the desparate need for human population control on a planet choking on its own fumes.

"A proper school should teach nothing but bookkeeping, agriculture, geometry, dead languages made deader by leaving out all the amusing literature, and the Hebrew Bible as interpreted by men superbly trained to ignore contradictions, men technically called ‘Fundamentalists’."

Elmer Gantry [1927] by Sinclair Lewis

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