Focus on the Family?

Posted on Wednesday 25 October 2006

It’s election season – a bit like "hunting season." You can shoot at things, hunt them down and shoot them. But this story is a little bigger than the usual Focus on the Dirt of election season to me. Last week at a rally in Nashville, James Dobson responded to the Mark Foley scandal by saying:

Speakers including Focus on the Family founder James Dobson said Monday that scandals in Washington should not suppress "values voters" from going to the polls Nov. 7.

"Yes, what Mark Foley did was wrong, but it is still important to go to the polls and let our voices be heard," Dobson, chairman of Focus on the Family Action, said at a "Stand for the Family" rally in Nashville, Tenn.

It seemed odd. Focus on the Family is the repository of the "Family Values" arm of the Religious Right [meaning, in part, the anti-Homosexual arm]. But the other part is about intact families and monogomy. So what about this?

Apparently philandering and being accused of beating (and strangling) your mistress isn’t enough to get the political arms of the religious right’s Family Research Council and Focus on the Family to drop you as a favored candidate.

FRC Action and Focus on the Family Action have given rave reviews – an 85% positive rating – in their latest "Voter Scorecard" to Rep. Don Sherwood (R-PA), who not only admitted recently to having a five year affair with a woman not his wife (five years folks, this wasn’t just a one-time indiscretion), but what’s more, Sherwood’s mistress has accused him of beating her for five years and frantically called 911 claiming Sherwood had just attempted to strangle her in the midst of one of their romantic trysts in his DC love pad.

The list of issues the FRC and FoF looked at in deciding who was a good "pro-family" member of Congress were: abortion; gay marriage; the pledge of allegiance; stem cell research; abortion again; defunding the ACLU; and gay marriage yet again.

FRC and the FoF had enough room on their scorecard list to include abortion and gay marriage twice, but they couldn’t include adherence to the Ten Commandments even once? Adultery is a pretty big sin in the Bible, and I’m sure it’s not a big stretch to find some Biblical admonition against trying to kill your mistress.

This story isn’t about Congressman Mark Foley [R-Florida] or Congressman Don Sherwood [R-Pennsylvania]. They are just corrupt people off in Washington for a sex holiday. They need to be dealt with at the polls. If the States of Florida and Pennsylvania want to be represented by sleazy guys, that’s their business. This story is about James Dobson and his empire, built on the notion that Homosexuals and other Libertines are eroding the moral fiber of America and its Christian basis. While one can argue about America’s Christian basis, there’s little question that without the demon Homosexuals and Libertines, Focus on the Family has no reason to exist. Like most of the Republican and Religious Right forces, without an "Axis of Evil" to fight against, they’re superfluous.

James Dobson is introduced as "Psychologist and Author," not "Reverend." because that’s what he is. Except it’s not true. He’s a Political Demagogue – pure and simple. Instead of voting his values, he votes his politics. Dr. "Values Voters" says it in these two examples and many others. He supports candidates, not for who they are, but for how they vote. It’s not really about morality. It’s about power…

I guess he’s what the Bible calls, a "False Prophet."

Jimmy Bakker Jimmy Swagart Pat Robertson Jerry Falwell James Dobson

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