a grand irony…

Posted on Thursday 15 February 2007

Cheney’s Call
By Murray Waas, National Journal
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007

Some writers just can’t be summarized. Instead of leading with an explanatory opening paragraph [like my high school newspaper teacher forced us to do], they write more like novelists – taking us through the story piece by piece as they build a house rather than giving you a snapshot, and then commentary. Murray Waas is such a journalist. His articles are always definitive, carefully researched, and only conclude what the evidence allows. But he tells a fine story…

This one tells of a dirty trick by the Vice President that backfired. It’s about a call Mr. Cheney made to Senator Graham in June 2002 raising holy hell about a leak that came out of a Congressional Hearing – threatening to shut down any flow of information to Congress if the leaking didn’t stop. As it were, this was a ploy to intimidate Congress, joined by his Chief of Staff, one Sccoter Libby.

Well, in their resulting zeal to  comply with Mr. Cheney’s demands, they set up the mechanisms that ultimately lead to the formation of Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigation – the one that’s currently tightening a noose around the Office of the Vice President [said 1boringoldman prayerfully]. It’s a grand story, well told by one of our finest, Murray Waas…

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