some things…

Posted on Thursday 22 February 2007

are just not worth thinking about. Take Anna Nicole Smith’s death and related matters. I didn’t know her personally. I didn’t know her as a celebrity in anything that’s in my world. If I’m going to follow deaths, I’ll stick to the kids dying in Iraq.

But, among those things not worth thinking about, what Joe Lieberman does or does not do is moving top of the list. I live in the reddest of states. We have two Senators, Johnny Isaakson and Saxby Chambliss who are brain dead Republicans. When I get appeals, "Write your Senator!", I don’t. Because what I get back is a position statement that gives me a headache. So, formerly, what my own Senators do has been on the top of my don’t think about it list. But now, I’m elevating Joe Lieberman and his party hopping teasers to the top. Hop. don’t hop.

What Joe does is his business. Not mine.  

    February 23, 2007 | 8:24 AM

    If I didn’t vote for him in the 2000 race, I don’t think I would be as angry as I am. I didn’t think his running for senator at the same time he was running for VP was very admirable. He always wants his cake and he wants to eat it too. I find him disgusting. He is such a war hawk now but I don’t think he felt that way when the Vietnam war was raging. He never served in the service. I’ve called his senate office and I have written him but I get emails back saying that he is not my senator and I should not bother him.. I have 2 Democratic senators thank God. Sorry that I had to rant about Lieberman but you hit a nerve that is really hurting.

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