
Posted on Friday 20 April 2007

emptywheel [my favorite blogger] has an interesting take on the testimony yesterday [The Gonzales Strategy]. It’s basically a Conspiracy Theory. In her scenerio, the Republican criticism of Gonzales is a specific ploy to justify Republicans turning on him for incompetence and deflecting attention away from the underlying plot. She says:
So, as I said, Gonzales’ performance was brilliant. He refused to provide the key details about:
  • How Rove and Miers were involved in the process (and since we now know that none of Gonzales, Sampson, McNulty, or Battle made the actual choice of which USAs to fire, is probably significant)
  • Who decided the AG should start appointing USAs without oversight
  • When the actual decision to fire the USAs happen (which gets into the still-significant issue of what happened between November 27 and December 7, when the White House okayed the firings)
Those are the key details that lead right into White House decision-making. Yet even while hiding all the most important information, Gonzales provided everyone–Democrat and Republican alike–ample reason to call for his firing. So I presume the game is that Gonzales will get fired, and we never get answers to those three key questions.
Very interesting thought. On the other hand, I feel really good about Shumer, Leahy, and Finestein. I don’t think a Mack Truck could stop them on their way to the White House for answers.

UPDATE: Slate has another quasi-conspiracy theory…

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