
Posted on Tuesday 15 May 2007

Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey testified this morning before the Senate Judiciary Committee [having already testified before the House Judiciary Committee]. There is a live-blog transcript on Firedoglake and a summary on TPM Muckraker. Comey was Deputy Attorney General under John Ashcroft and later Alberto Gonzales. He came before Paul McNulty who resigned yesterday.

Comey is the person who appointed Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate the C.I.A. Agent leak and he’s the person who refused to sign the White House’s Domestic Surveillance program. He testified about that today – about Alberto Gonzales [then White House Counsel] and Andrew Card [White House Chief of Staff] racing to the hospital to get a delerious John Ashcroft to sign their order. It’s an outrageous story.

But the most strioking thing in Comey’s testimony was his integrity. He answered questions directly. He was careful not to overstep his bounds, refusing to reveal confidential information, yet forthcoming on all reasonable questions. He is a person of Integrity. We’ve heard almost none of that thus far in these hearings. The Senators spoke to him respectfully, even when he wouldn’t say what they wanted to hear. They seemed to know that they were talking to someone who was going to "tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

It’s nice to know that such a person still exists and actually once served in our DOJ. In these trying times. the bar is set fairly low for heroism. Just being honest is enough…

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