way, way over the line…

Posted on Wednesday 23 May 2007

I’ve been thinking all afternoon about what bothered me about Monica Goodling’s testimony today. She struck me as a sincere person, someone who thought she was doing the right thing in some idiosyncratic frame of reference. I don’t think she thought of herself as a political operative, though I think it’s virtually impossible that she was so deeply involved in the "Attorney Replacement Plan" without knowing what it was about. I’m willing to accept that the monsterous things she was involved in do not mean that she is a monster. She seems terribly efficient and articulate – the kind of person I’d hire as an Administrative Assistant and be glad to have working for me.

There were two things that bothered me. The first is simple. She didn’t sound like a lawyer – at all. When she talked about her asking about political affiliations, or ruling out people with "liberal" leanings in their background, she used the phrase "stepped over the line." When she talked about her conversation with Gonzales, she "felt uncomfortable" and didn’t respond to him. She balked at either thing being "unlawful" or even "inappropriate." What did she mean, "Stepped over the line?" She was way on the other side of the next county, far beyond sight of the "line." What Monica Goodling did for a living was screen applicants for jobs at the DoJ to insure that they were loyal Republicans –  more than that, that they had no hint of "liberal" leanings. That’s not the way lawyers talk. Her whole job, her reason for being, was against the law for very obvious reasons, and she didn’t seem to really understand that. Monica Goodling was a political operative of the first kind – analogous to a Nazi Bureaucrat making sure no one with Jewish or Gipsy traits got into the Reich’s heirarchy, and she doesn’t seem to have known that’s what she was. The LAW wasn’t a part of what she said, at least not the LAW of the land. Even ambulance chasers know the LAW.

The second thing is harder to explain. Monica Goodling talked as though what she was doing was a good thing, the right thing. Somehow, when she was distraught in Margoles’ office saying, "all I wanted to do was serve this President, this Administration, this Department," she was serious. Hers was a morality of service for a higher cause, and, of course, making sure that the hirees were good Republicans [good Christians] and not "liberal" [Satan’s Spawn] was serving her President/Administration/Department [the Lord]. That is an absolutely amazing mentality – a Hitler’s Youth mentality, a Red Guard mentality. Monica Goodling appeared to me to be a brain-washed person – the American counterpart to the Islamic Jihadist suicide bomber.

This obviously competent woman went to Pat Robertson’s Law School and came out with none of the natural carriage of her profession, brain-washed with a holy mission that is in direct opposition to the basic tenets of the government she served and its Constitution. The Administration’s agenda, and the agenda of her particular religious affiliations was a higher power than the LAWs of our country.

Her naivity and seeming innocence was more damning than had she been an Ann Coulter or a Jack Abramoff. I doubt she has any idea what a tragic figure she has allowed herself to become. When confronted with something, she often responded, "I didn’t mean to," like a little girl who had spilled milk on her new dress – still not seeming to realize the gravity of her misdeed.

Monica Goodling isn’t "over the line." She’s a criminal…

A further thought: While Ms. Goodling did not admit to any direct White House involvement in the firing of the U.S. Attorneys, in her hatchet-job on Paul McNulty, her whole point was that he was not forthcoming that the White House directed this whole show [meaning that the White House directed this whole show]…
    May 24, 2007 | 10:23 AM

    The whole “I didn’t mean to” really bothers me. She did mean to. She is an adult with supposedly a degree in law. I didn’t mean to is not acceptible. It infuriates me that she used the law to get immunity in this. She meant to do what she did. That’s the bottom line. If she was smart enough to interview potential candidates and weed out those she didn’t agree re: political ideology then she was smart enough to mean to.

    May 24, 2007 | 11:54 AM


    I’m hiring you as chief prosecuter. You’ve got their number…

    May 24, 2007 | 1:01 PM

    What really bothers me is how complacent the Republican House members on the committee were. Don’t they know how bad this is for our system of justice? Why am a astounded? This whole 6 years of the Bush has been mind boggling. I have Republican friends that I can’t talk to because I’m so disheartened and mad as hell. I’ve called my Senators, Congressman and Harry Reid a few minutes ago. I just can’t stand Bush get anything from the Democrats. Two more American soldiers today were killed. Bush keeps using 911. I had a daughter in law going into the second building when the second plane hit. I know all about 911. I wonder how the survivors of 911 feel about Bush using 911 to go to war with Iraq and keeping us there. Tony Snow told the WH press Bush never said Iraq had anything to do with 911 when he talked about Gore’s new book should be corrected . The US embassy in Iraq will house 600 people when it opens. Bush talks about the debt is going down for our country is better than they thought it would be because of his tax cuts. He told so many lies at his news conference today, that I couldn’t keep up with him, the white house press just lets him .

    May 24, 2007 | 3:24 PM

    Vote of No Confidence next month to say that we’ve had it with A.G. Write or call your Senators. I’ve written mine. I blogged about it. I’m sure they think I’m nuts. http://smoooochiesaysii.blogspot.com/

    Donald G. Reeves
    May 26, 2007 | 5:25 AM

    Concerning Monica Goodling’s service, she was no different than Oliver North who was a great Marine who carried out and fulfilled his oath as an officer for the United States Marines. Monica Goodling’s service was not any different.

    When serving in the United States government, each administration has an agenda and the service personnel that they want in place to serve in that position
    and these are the people that they hire to help fulfill their administration.

    This is not any different in the Corporate world, or any other organization. Let me pose this question, Would the Civil Liberties hire Ann Coulter? Why? it would not fit their agenda.

    Concerning the issues where laws were broken, if she and her associates, as well as Mr. Gonzales are found and proven to have been involved in breaking the law, or in collusion, then they will be responsible or held accountable to the consequences of their actions.

    In my opinion she was fulfilling her job and the agenda of and for her boss, but this does not excuse breaking the law and this what is going to have to be determined.

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