now it’s 8:07 AM…

Posted on Wednesday 18 July 2007

So now Senator Inhofe [R-OK] is going on and on making a point. His point is that Terrorism is real and the Liberals don’t know it. He’s listing the Terrorist attacks around the world and making the false connection that the War in Iraq has something to do with that. He is saying that the War in Iraq means a lot to Osama Bin Laden. Duh! For four and a half years, we’ve listened to people like Inhofe say that we are not really aware of how dangerous the Terrorists are, that we are ignoring their threat, that we just don’t get something. It’s such tired silly logic.

He’s even going back to Reagan and talking about the Contras in Nicaragua fighting the Sandinistas and our role in fighting Communism there. I guess he hasn’t been reading about the current state of things in Nicaragua – where Daniel Ortega, Mr. Sandinista, has been elected President. I think Inhofe is a paradigm for using the old Cold War "fighting the Red Menace" logic in a world where it no longer applies. But the thing that got me writing about Inhofe was his use of the term "Liberals." He said, the "Liberals" don’t realize blah, blah, blah. The logic goes Liberals ignore Terrorism. Because we are opposed to further involvement in Iraq, we are ignoring Terrorism. It’s almost hard to even call it logic. If I thought we were actually fighting Terrorism in Iraq, I’d join up and fight myself. Our point [we "Liberals"] is that we’re not fighting Terrorism in Iraq. We’re causing it. Our point is that we were never fighting Terrorism in Iraq. We were hoping to get oil rights in the second richest oil fields in the world.

Our point is that this "fighting Terrorism" in Iraq was wrong from the start and is still wrong. There’s nothing Liberal about our argument. There’s not even anything Democrat about our argument. It’s pragmatic. The equation of Terrorism and Iraq is proven false – as false today as it was in 2002 when Bush first introduced it. When they say these things, I feel betrayed again. I wonder if this guy even believes what he’s saying. He still thinks the Iran-Contra deal was a good idea! 

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