let’s play like…

Posted on Sunday 26 August 2007

The kids on the street gathered, and someone would say, "Let’s play like … …" – proposing some pretend scenario. Either it was a go, or someone would counter, "No, let’s play like…" Once an acceptable game situation was proposed, it might go on for days – maybe all summer.

I was thinking, let’s play like Karl Rove quit because he saw that there was no way that the Republicans can pull it off 2008. And let’s play like Bush is afraid to take on Iran, even though Dick Cheney still wants to. And let’s play like Alberto Gonzales has given up with the voter fraud thing and is just riding out his time because Bush is afraid to replace him. And let’s play like Petraeus knows the Surge can’t really work and is awaiting the pull down order. And, let’s play like BushCo finally almost over. And let’s play like the Democrats know how to get us pointed in the right direction.

Childhood was easier… 

    August 27, 2007 | 8:26 AM
    August 27, 2007 | 9:04 AM

    Whoops, AGAG is now just AG….

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