hot stuff? hot air…

Posted on Tuesday 9 October 2007

Rush Smears 12-Yr Old:
‘They Filled His Head With Lies Just As They Have Some Of These Soldiers’

Yesterday, ThinkProgress noted the right wing has been orchestrating a coordinated effort to smear a 12 year old recipient of SCHIP. These conservatives have been propagating baseless “facts” to suggest that young Graeme Frost was actually a rich kid being pampered by the government. Rush Limbaugh has joined in the smear campaign. On his radio show yesterday, Rush introduced his hit job on Graeme by saying, “I had some rudimentary information on this two weeks ago, and it wasn’t enough for me to trust going with. But since then, it has been verified, and most of it’s been verified by a ‘Freeper’ at Free Republic.” Apparently, a posting by a “freeper” is all Rush needs for confirmation.

Rush proceeded to recycle the myths that Graeme and his sister must be fat-cat recipients of government welfare because they attend “one of Baltimore’s expensive private schools” and own a house in a decent neighborhood. As we noted yesterday, Graeme has a scholarship to the private school. His sister’s tuition is covered by the state due to her brain injuries, and the house was purchased for $55,000 in 1991 when the neighborhood was not as safe as it is today. Limbaugh then tried to draw a parallel between Graeme and his “phony soldiers” remark:

"So the bottom line for me is: They can’t rely on truth to make their case for their cause. They have to lie. Be it about me, be it about their own voters (such as the Frosts) be it about President Bush, they must lie — and anybody who stands in the way of their succeeding with that lie becomes an enemy, becomes a target. That’s where I and my buddies in talk radio come in. We are a thorn in their side because we represent the truth they are trying to hide, the truth that they are lying about, and they have to do something about it — and they have to do that by lying. […] They send the kid out to lie. They filled this kid’s head with lies just as they have some of these soldiers about me. Put lies in the kid’s head or put it on the script that he’s reading. He goes out and reads it. He’s 12-years-old! They will use anybody! They’ll corrupt anybody, to get where they’re headed. That’s who they are, folks."
I’m kind of a rookie at this. I’ve avoided Rush Limbaugh for all these years, but his "phoney soldiers" comments caught my attention. They were just so far in  left field  the outfield, and his attempt to twist them seemed so ludicrous. So, I’ve been dropping by his  web site  tabloid frequently for the last week. I’m awed at how obnoxious and silly it is. Here’s a sample of today’s fare:
  • Nobel Race Down to Rush v. Gore
    El Rushbo dominates, from Washington to Oslo
  • Go After the Media, Republicans
    Some advice to candidates in the Matthews debate.
  • Calls to Henry Waxman’s Office
    We have to take this threat seriously, my friends.
  • Armed Forces Radio and Rush
    A caller on the Democrat attempts to silence this show.
  • Lott on the Man Who Runs America
    You know it and I know it and Trent Lott knows it.
  • Great Piece in the American Thinker:
    Hillary, Soros, Alinsky, and Rush – Kyle-Anne Shiver
  • Why Liberals Run Against Rush
    Conservatives pine for leadership because of the threat Democrats pose to the future of our nation.
  • Dobson and the Third Party Threat
      The Limbaugh take on all the third party rumblings
  • Huge See, I Told You So:
    Iraq Fades as Issue for Democrats
    The 2008 election will not hinge on the war in Iraq.
  • Drive-Bys Push to Warm Hillary
    If they say a witch is warm and cuddly, she is.
  • Hil Pulls $5K; Offers 401(k)
    Mrs. Clinton shelves her last giveaway proposal and adds a new one.
  • Rush Baby Assigned to Read Al-Jazeera as "Objective" Source
    Kim in St. Louis on her battles with biased, left-wing college professors.
Each one leads to a rant of one sort or another. I wonder if it has always been like this. Somehow, I expected more, though having looked at it for several days, I don’t know exactly what I thought it would be like. So far, it’s been Rush talking about how important he is and how the entire Democratic Party is focused on defaming him, because they otherwise apparently don’t have anything else to talk about. Then there’s grade school level mockery of Hillary Clinton, or Barak Obama, or Elizabeth Edwards. That’s about it. I wonder who listens to him twist and distort stories like the one about the child above day after day? Whoever listens, there are a lot of them [13 million cume], top of the chart.

As for me, my Rush Limbaugh watching days are over. I can’t listen to him at all. And after a week of perusing his web site tabloid, I’m done. It’s extremely boring.  I’m not so put off by his bias. It’s his self-importance and his persistent playground bully style. His delivery is matched by a third grade intellectual level analogous to, "Well, you have cooties!" I don’t believe I could keep stopping by even if he were on my side of every issue. Sorry to have burdened you with my curiosity. Reading him makes me want to take a bath and read Kafka…

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