catching up…

Posted on Saturday 3 November 2007

She’s telling her story well. There is a part that does bother me about this story. It’s when she says that she and her husband never conceived that she would be "outed" in retaliation for his op-ed piece. I believe what she says, but I agree that they were both being very naive. By the time this happened, there was ample evidence that the Administration was capable of anything. However, I still see Joseph Wilson as something of a hero, even if he’s naive. Many others have addressed the viciousness of the Bush Administration, but Joe Wilson remains the one who confronted them openly, clearly, and directly. We all owe him a debt of gratitude – along with Paul O’neill, Richard Clarke, James Comey, Jack Goldsmith, David Inglesias, and other truthsayers. When the history books finally get written about the time we are living in, I hope it is the people who have spoken who will define the era. We’re going to need something to look back on proudly. There’s going to be more than enough to be ashamed of…

    November 3, 2007 | 8:52 AM


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