parsing Bolton

Posted on Thursday 6 December 2007

That such a flawed product could emerge after a drawn-out bureaucratic struggle is extremely troubling.
This N.I.E. has been in the works for a year – constantly blocked by the Administration and Vice President Cheney. Getting it released has been a constant battle, and was instrumental in John Negroponte’s resignation. Bolton is saying that the "drawn out bureaucratic struggle" means there was a lot of conflict in the writing of this N.I.E. and therefore it’s conclusions are suspect. The bureaucratic struggle was not internal. It was a struggle when Cheney tried to chage its conclusions or get it quashed. Bolton is using a problem his colleagues caused to discredit the report’s accuracy.
While the president and others argue that we need to maintain pressure on Iran, this "intelligence" torpedo has all but sunk those efforts, inadequate as they were.
He refers to this report as an "intelligence torpedo" to the President’s plans because it contradicts the President. He’s implying here and throughout his op-ed that the Intelligence Community is motivated to hurt the President. This report may well discredit the President. But that has nothing to do with motive. They are reporting their findings of fact. If that "torpedos" the President’s plans, maybe his plans were ill-informed.
Ironically, the NIE opens the way for Iran to achieve its military nuclear ambitions in an essentially unmolested fashion, to the detriment of us all.
There’s more here than meets the eye. John Bolton doesn’t care what Iran is or is not doing. He thinks that doesn’t matter. Like most neocons, he wants to go after Iran no matter what’s happening there, to stop them from what they might do in the future. He’s been saying it for years and years. It’s the Neoconservative logic called "regime change."

The truth is that we are so onto what the neoconservatives want that we’re forced into a position of looking much more dovish than we are. I, for one, want us to keep the closest of eyes on Iran. They scare me too. But I know that the John Boltons of the world are wanting to pull off another one of their pre-emptive strikes – independent of the facts. And look where that got us in Iraq. I once heard that one could put a huge dent in the suicide rate if you locked up all male alcoholics. They account for most suicides. But it’s hardly a practical solution. It’s Bolton’s answer to foreign affairs. Unseat anyone who might become our enemy. Assasination politics has been tried for centuries. It hasn’t worked so well.

…but he would leave a lasting legacy by returning the intelligence world to its proper function.

They’re still obsessed with fundamentally changing our government before we throw them out of it – the Courts [Federalist Society], the Presidency [Unitary Executive, Executive Privilege], human rights [N.S.A. Domestic Surveillance, Torture, renouncing the Geneva Conventions], the Constitution [Faith Based stuff], the U.N. [The Bush Doctrine], our image [American Dominion], and now our Intelligence Community. We have legacy aplenty from this Administration [Lies, Spin, Secrecy, Lawlessness]. We’ve got enough BushCo on our plate for a Millenium…

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