the War on America

Posted on Saturday 5 January 2008

President Bush and Vice President Cheney declared their War on America right out of the gate – even before the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York gave them the vehicle to bring it off. No more of this human rights, diversity, limits on power, equal protection under the law business for them. The powerful would rule as they should. The religious "loonies" and other bigots would be given free rein to make America what is should be, a place for moral white people or people who played by those rules. And we would stop this silly Defense policy and go on the war-path against the upstarts around the world who kept acting up. And we were running out of oil, so we’d go get it. We knew where it was. Congress had been in the way of progress for too long and needed to be marginalized. Oversight was a pain and had to be put into its place. The field needed clearing so the real people could get the things done that needed doing. All those bleeding heart liberals would balk and file suits. The thing to do about them was simple – take over the legal system and cut off their avenues for redress. After all, the laws and Constitution were just words – hopelessly out of date.

What’s amazing is that they actually did it. It’s one thing to sit around some stuffy men’s club smoking cigars and talking about it; or having meetings at the American Enterprise Institute kvetching about Liberals and getting paranoid together. It’s quite another thing to get elected and actually do the kind of things they’ve done and expect to get away with them. A lesson needs to be taught here. Just sending them packing isn’t enough. The real "Project for the New American Century" is to make sure that the Bush/Cheney/Neoconservative War on America comes to a definitive end with a clear victor…
    January 6, 2008 | 9:42 AM

    George McGovern has written a piece in todays Washington Post that is so terrific that I hope you get a chance to read it. The title is “Why I Believe Bush Must Go”. I don’t think former Senator McGovern has left any of the Bush/Cheney shenanagins out. I have a lot of problems with the Washington Post but not today.

    January 6, 2008 | 8:16 PM

    There’s life in the old boy yet! Thanks for the pointer. I’ve posted my reaction above…

    January 7, 2008 | 2:07 PM
    January 7, 2008 | 2:10 PM

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