still at it…

Posted on Wednesday 9 January 2008

And speaking of the Religious Right. I passed by a link to Focus on the Family Action so I followed it. There I read:
Dr. Dobson: Media ‘Dead Wrong’ About Values Voters
Conservative Christians flex their muscles in Iowa caucuses.

Just a few months ago, the media were busy writing an obituary for Values Voters. On Thursday night, those voters apparently came back from the dead. In Iowa’s first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses, former Gov. Mike Huckabee finished first among Republicans, thanks in large part to evangelical voters. "The results of the Iowa caucuses reveal that conservative Christians remain a powerful force in American politics," said Dr. James Dobson, founder and chairman of Focus on the Family Action. "That had to be a great shock to those on the far Left! The New York Times wrote a demeaning obituary of Values Voters in an article called The Evangelical Crackup. CNN piled on, proclaiming the demise of the ‘old values,’ referring to traditional marriage and the sanctity of human life. They and other media elites turned out to be dead wrong. 

"Sixty percent of the GOP participants in the Iowa caucuses were self-identified evangelicals, and 45 percent of them backed Mike Huckabee," Dr. Dobson added. "The former governor may not become the Republican nominee, and I have not endorsed him, but what happened there last night was evidence of an energized and highly motivated conservative community. Not bad for a supposed bunch of demoralized, depressed, disillusioned and disengaged Reaganites." Tony Perkins, president of FRC Action, said Iowa reflects the core values of America. "The winners are the Values Voters, the social conservatives, the Christian voters of this country," he said. "The Republican establishment was trying to push their issues off the table, and they pushed back in a very strong way."
Dobson’s "Values Voters" elected George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and a host of other unsavory characters – people who lied to start a war, people who chucked the Geneva Conventions, people who condone promote torture, people who rig elections, the list goes on. What is he talking about? He throws Conservative in with Christianity with ‘Values’ like they are some kind of new Trinity.

"The winners are the 1Values Voters, the 2social conservatives, the 3Christian voters of this country," says mouthpiece Tony Perkins. Will this kind of babble control the "Christian Vote" again? James Dobson has turned out to be as power crazy as his predecessors – Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson – lost in his own rhetoric, unable to see how he’s pulling his followers into what’s wrong in the world once again. ‘Values Voters’ vote based on what people say, not what people do. Surely they’ll wake up to that some day. Surely…

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