telecom immunity?…

Posted on Friday 1 February 2008

This one is a no-brainer. Essentially, George Bush and Dick Cheney want to extend their fantasied Executive Privilege to everything they touch. Since they asked people to torture prisoners, the torturers are immune. Because they asked the telecoms to spy on Americans, telecoms should be immune. They can break laws without reprisal, being special and such. Therefore, they can order others to break laws without reprisal. In studies of primitive cultures, this is called magic – passing special powers to others by casting good spells.

I call foul! Bush’s and Cheney’s self proclaimed specialness doesn’t trump the rule of law. As a matter of fact, they’ve so abused specialness [Executive Privilege] that it will probably disappear as a concept. It’s amazing how frequently the two of them are out campaigning against laws they’ve already broken.

The two of them have inadvertently proven why we have Oversight, Checks and Balances, Separation of Powers – the very concepts they are trying to destroy…
    February 1, 2008 | 12:57 PM

    Many people in my circle of family and friends have asked me why Bush/Cheney went to war in Iraq. Well, in the web site there is an article written by Ray McGovern “Inquities of War, Inequities of Life” that sums up one if not the most important reason that I think President Bush and Vice president Cheney started the Iraq War.

    February 3, 2008 | 10:23 AM

    I wrote a while back about this show it’s called Fathers. Sons, Brothers and it’s going to be on during the superbowel so a couple of people might see it. It’s about family members in a National Guard unit consisting of fathers, sons, and brothers followed for a year on camera with 60 Minutes Scott Pelley. At the end of the year these soldiers come back looking very worn and visibled aged, many who were gung ho about the Iraq War are not so much now. This show should be required viewing for all Congress members and administration officials because this is what the country will have to address after this terrible war is over. Families are torn apart with divorce, death, mental illness and some with severe disabilties. This is a case study of what this is doing to our servicemen as we speak. The show is on CBS before the regular 60 Minutes show according to another web site I just read.

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