
Posted on Thursday 24 April 2008

Perhaps more telling than the record 63% opinion now that the War in Iraq was a mistake, is the slope of the line since the SURGE which began in January 2007. In spite of the constant hype that the SURGE is working, there is increasing retrospective disillusionment with the war having ever been started in the first place…

…accompanied by  a continued decline in Bush’s overall approval ratings. When I look at the messy Democratic Primary and the nasty political ads and press that seems to infect the whole country – turning our papers into something that looks like the lineup of rags in the grocery check out line, I get discouraged. These numbers, however, are encouraging. The people now seem to finally know something about what has gone on.

And …


…then there are some things that people can feel at home. Somehow these tangible graphs help neutralize all the political silliness that assumes that the American people are an exceptions to Lincoln’s adage, "but you can’t fool all of the people, all of the time."

What’s wrong is palpable…

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