simple truth…

Posted on Sunday 11 May 2008

Sometimes the truth can be said very simply. Suin at FDL has a blog post [Caught in the Middle] with a quote from the Christian Science Monitor that’s in that category:
One Sadrist member of the Iraqi parliament summed up conditions in Iraq: "The Sadrists say their principle objective remains a sovereign Iraq that is free from the "vicious circle" they say has made their country the battlefield in the American war on terror. "The Americans are here fighting Al Qaeda and terrorism and to make America more secure, while Al Qaeda is here to fight the infidels," says Liqaa al-Yaseen, a member of the Sadrist parliamentary bloc. "The result is terror for the Iraqi people caught in the middle of this war."
If we had no agenda of our own, it is probable that we could have exited Iraq a long time ago [or maybe never gone in the first place]. The Iraqis are likely as opposed to al Qaeda being in Iraq as we were. So was Saddam Hussein.

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