if you need a break…

Posted on Wednesday 24 September 2008

Years ago, when life seemed too serious, I used to watch Jim Bakker and Tammy Fay "Praise the Lord!" It always brought me back to reality [or took me away, depending on your perspective]. Since they crashed, I’ve not had an outlet that lived up to the Bakker’s standard – until recently. In the last several years, I’ve discovered Cathy Horyn, the New York Times Fashion Editor. She is as enthusiastic as the Bakkers, and her topic is, if anything, more irrelevant. So if you get the blues worrying about the economy or the election, check her out. Here’s a starter page. The narrated videos on the right side are the best, but any of it will take to a place where there is nothing that matters, and you won’t lose any money. Absolutely no one you know wears this stuff…

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