at last!

Posted on Friday 17 October 2008

Earlier this week, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals sided with Ohio Republicans in ruling that the Secretary of State must “establish a system of verification that would match driver’s license numbers or Social Security numbers with new voter applications.” Today, the Supreme Court reversed the ruling, saying the lower courts were wrong to get involved in the issue…

Had the Republicans prevailed, about 200,000 new voters whose registrations don’t match state files exactly could have been forced to cast rarely-counted provisional ballots…

There must be someone up there watching over us after all! 
    October 17, 2008 | 7:17 PM

    Gerry Herbert, former head of the DoJ Voting Rights division, has joined those who are denouncing the DoJ/FBI investigation of ACORN. He cites DoJ regulations that show this is an improper politicization of DoJ along the lines of the States Attorneys firings.

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