voter fraud…

Posted on Saturday 25 October 2008

The ACORN Storm
From John McCain, hyperbole about potential voter fraud

THE VERY "fabric of democracy," or so Sen. John McCain warned at the final presidential debate, is at stake. "We need to know the full extent of Senator Obama’s relationship with ACORN, [which] is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country," Mr. McCain said, referring to the liberal group the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Mr. McCain’s hyperbole about ACORN, which has endorsed Mr. Obama, is unwarranted.

The group, whose voter registration drive has helped sign up about 450,000 low-income, minority and young voters this election, has been accused of submitting phony or duplicate registrations. ACORN itself has acknowledged problems, noting that in Nevada "there have been several times over the past ten months that our Las Vegas Quality Control program has identified a canvasser who appears to have knowingly submitted a fake or duplicate application in order to pad his or her hours." ACORN says it phones those who sign voter registration cards to verify that the applications are valid and flags the questionable registrations for election officials. Most of what are presumed to be fraudulent registrations can be explained as clerical errors; voting officials routinely check registrations against databases, such as driver’s license records, to identify questionable submissions.

If ACORN or any other group has engaged in a scheme to submit phony registrations, by all means that should be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted. What Mr. McCain’s alarmist attack ignores, however, is the enormous gulf between improper voter registration — whether fraudulent or merely erroneous — and actually committing fraud at the ballot box. Evidence of fraudulent voting is scant, though there is always a risk. But there is a far greater risk of citizens entitled to vote being turned away from the polls — and the real threat to the "fabric of democracy" is the McCain campaign’s effort to stir up unfounded suspicions of massive voter fraud, casting unwarranted doubt on the legitimacy of the election.
There will be one or more books about all of this in the near future. The book will start with the 2000 Presidential election and the story in Florida. We’ll read about the 2004 election in Ohio and Florida. Then we’ll hear about The Republican Lawyers Association and Thor Hearn. Then, we’ll hear about the U.S. Attorney Scandal and the "voter fraud" suits. Finall, ACORN will be discussed at length. The thrust of these books will be to expose an active, massive campaign by the Republican Party to disenfranchise a large number of Democratic Voters – all the while claiming that the Democrats are perpetrating massive voter fraud. This is going to be a really big, and very nasty story, once it is finally told. The story is not going to be what John McCain says, "We need to know the full extent of Senator Obama’s relationship with ACORN, [which] is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country." It’s going to be about the opposite – an ongoing attempt of part of the Republican Party to control the voting process. And it’s not going to be at all pretty…
    October 26, 2008 | 5:46 AM

    Welcome back, friend. The Republican party has increasingly fit the mold of a bad marriage that’s now coming apart at the seams. Thye were never meant for each other but something (Karl Rove’s winning strategy) held together the greed of the coutnry club Republicans and the faux-Christian, outraged moralists in unholy wedlock.

    It looks like that was a combination for winning elections but not for governing a country. Now it’s collapsing of its own inner rot, and like divorcing couples it’s getting ugly and all its dirty secrets are coming to light.

    You’re right. The voter fraud scam will be up there with all the rest of the corruption and cronyism and incompetence that will keep political scholars and serious journalists writing books for a long time.

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