on Bush’s watch…

Posted on Friday 14 November 2008

Let’s look at just a few of the statistics from the years under George W. Bush – objective measures of a job poorly done. The first one isn’t his doing alone, though he sure didn’t reverse what was started by his predecessor, Ronald Reagan. It’s the GINI Coefficient which measures Wealth Inequity:
He started off with Tax Cuts for the wealthy:
Then he added a few wars and ultimately ran the debt up higher than either Reagan or his father – all the while preaching fiscal responsibility:
And as to the Iraq War, started based on deceitful intelligence, the tragic un-necessary deaths of our children mounted:
It was a good time for OIl Companies [XOM = Exxon/Mobile, 0001 = Oil and Gas Index]:
Meanwhile, he ignored the  housing bubble that was growing at an accelerated rate and would result in a serious recession:
The pattern of deregulation of the Stock Market created any number of crises, but the one that was the straw that broke the camel’s back was the derivitive market that traded Mortgages and Insurance until there were three times the wealth of the entire world worth of these valueless commodities on the Market:
Which led us to the Stock Market tumble that’s currently got us by the throat:
Leaving us with a Recession that may well result in a Depression:
Heck of a job, Bushie

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