
Archive for January, 2009

Dear George Bush,

Well. Here we go, Mr. Bush. Our fundamentals haven’t turned out to be so good as you said they were after all. And this is just the beginning of the winter of our discontent. Our new President only got a couple of days respit before the economic slide began to pick up steam and we […]

putting away childish things…

Blagojevich: I’m the victim of plot to raise taxes   After keeping mostly out of the public eye since his arrest on federal corruption charges, Blagojevich reversed course with a series of interviews and public statements portraying himself as the victim of vengeful lawmakers eager to toss him out of office. "The heart and soul […]

brighter colors…

This morning, I drove to Atlanta [60+ miles] to get ready for a presentation at a medical meeting, something I rarely do anymore. After I got home, I had that glorious luxury of retirement – a nap. No one was around and awake [my dogs sleep through the afternoon]. I sat down at the computer […]

honor among thieves…

Cheney Speaks Out on Libby Former vice president calls prosecution a "serious miscarriage of justice" and disagrees with Bush’s decision. Weekly Standard 01/22/2009 Former Vice President Dick Cheney disagreed publicly with his boss just four times in the eight years they served together. Yesterday, however, on the first day after the official end of the […]

speaking of stuck…

Stuck in the Muddle By PAUL KRUGMAN January 22, 2009 Like anyone who pays attention to business and financial news, I am in a state of high economic anxiety. Like everyone of good will, I hoped that President Obama’s Inaugural Address would offer some reassurance, that it would suggest that the new administration has this […]

more revealing moment…

Bush’s ‘War’ On Terror Comes to a Sudden End By Dana Priest Washington Post President Obama yesterday eliminated the most controversial tools employed by his predecessor against terrorism suspects. With the stroke of his pen, he effectively declared an end to the "war on terror," as former president George W. Bush defined it, signaling to […]

all they have to do is ask…

On Plane to Texas, Critiques of the Speech By PETER BAKER On the plane, no longer Air Force One but now Special Air Mission 28000, they talked about the speech. George W. Bush, the former president, was heading home to Texas with his inner circle, having just left the west front of the Capitol, where […]

america interrupted…

Two Little (Huge) Things Obama Said There was a lot to reflect on in President Obama’s inaugural speech today, but there were two small points that are worth noting, two things that Mr. Obama mentioned that American politicians, especially presidents, never mention: Vietnam and atheism. … In talking about defending the American way of life […]

secretary of state…

Rush raises his voice…

And then there’s this: During the Washington goings on, one of our local news anchors was in Washington interviewing various Georgians – people like Andy Young, John Lewis, etc. And then there was Senator Saxby Chambliss. He talked about the King celebration like he was a real insider instead of the Republican shill that he […]