
Posted on Wednesday 11 February 2009

Taking Back The Initiative
the left coaster

by Steve Soto

A great, campaign-style appearance in Indiana Monday, in front of a real [not handpicked] crowd, followed by a solid debut press conference Monday night with the whole country watching, and Obama nailed them both. He had the right amount of aggressive pushback against the GOP in both events, making it clear that both he and the country have no time, and no need, to listen to the whining of conservatives who are the ones responsible for driving this country into the ditch.

Now Treasury Secretary Geithner announces the big plan Tuesday for how the Obama administration plans to use the second $350 billion in TARP funds, with reportedly a serious focus on stemming the bloodletting in foreclosures around the country. As the Post reports, this will only be a down payment towards cleaning up the financial mess George W. Bush left behind.

Obama drew a line Monday, and stopped the GOP backbiting by marginalizing them, something we’ve been arguing for since he came into office. He’ll seal the deal today when he uses a GOP governor [Charlie Crist in Florida] to help sell the economic recovery effort, something else we have argued for.

Good job, Mr. President.
And, by the way, get it cleaned up by March 1st when we get back from the beach. I’m tired of the whining…

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