
Posted on Thursday 21 May 2009

A Blight On Humanity
the left coaster
by Turkana

Paul Krugman has a short but withering post about the fraud that was American conservatism. Riffing off a link to Crooked Timber, which has Richard Posner becoming the latest conservative to jump the movement’s ship, Krugman writes:
    And yet — why, exactly, should we listen to people who by their own admission completely missed the story? I mean, anyone who actually listened to what Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey were saying in 1994, let alone what passed for thought in the Bush administration, should have realized long ago that if there ever was an intellectual basis for modern conservatism, it was long gone.
Why, indeed, would anyone pretend there is any shred of credibility in anyone who found the Gingrich and Bush eras credible? But Krugman gets to the real point in the next paragraph:
    And the truth is that the Reaganauts were a pretty grotesque bunch too. Look for the golden age of conservative intellectualism in America, and you keep going back, and back, and back — and eventually you run up against William Buckley in the 1950s declaring that blacks weren’t advanced enough to vote, and that Franco was the savior of Spanish civilization.

They fought civil rights, and voting rights, and the creation of Social Security and Medicaid and Medicare. They fought the environmental movement. They fought science and education and basic human decency. They launched wars that shouldn’t have been launched, they supported terrorists and terrorist regimes all around the globe, and countless millions suffered and died for their greed, hypocrisy and plain old murderous evil. They were and are, in every way that matters, morally degenerate.

There was no golden era of the conservative movement. It held political power for many years, and if we are not vigilant, it could, yet again. Because there is literally nothing its dwindling band of deranged supporters won’t try, to regain power. But it’s time to stop acting as if it was a serious intellectual enterprise, or that its methods and ideals were even worth debating. It was sick. It was demented. It represented the very worst of humanity. It’s time to stop pretending that it was deserving of respect or legitimacy. It wasn’t. It was a blight on humanity, the human spirit, and the entire planet. It should be treated as such and remembered as such.
I wonder if everyone struggles as much with this topic as I do? I go back and forth on it whether it’s cached in the Conservative motif or as the Republican Party. I want to say, as I said yesterday, that  we need a rational voice representing fiscal restraint, free enterprise, national defense, etc. But honestly, I don’t really experience the Democrats or the Liberals among us as opposing fiscal restraint, free enterprise, or national defense. I don’t really think we’ve got any Marxists or Socialists in our midst.  But the thing that bothers me about this issue, to be honest, is my friends who went right as we moved through life. It happened when we all got beyond the poverty of medical school and medical training and began to make money [some much more than others]. It wasn’t totally the complaints about taxes, it was the growing contempt that went with it – contempt for the less fortunate, contempt for minorities, contempt for Democrats, or perceived Liberals. And as for me, they might listen to what I had to say, but there was little dialog. Has it been become a block in the friendships? Unfortunately, it has – not terminal, but enough to matter. I expect it’s as hard for them to be around me as it is for me. I think it’s been worse with the George W. Bush than it has been at other times, but it’s just louder – the music is the same.

It feels like it started with money. But it was fueled by what are referred to as the "Culture Wars." Some, but not all, are in gated communities. It feels like there’s something under it that has little to do with the stated policies of the Republican Party or the Conservative Movement. It has to do with a vision of people and how they live together on the planet. Of course I would argue that my side is the "right" side, but I know that’s not the whole story. The gist of it to me is the view that the down and out of the world are down there for a reason. They don’t want to work their way out of their circumstances, they just want to get other people’s stuff. They are "lazy" or "parasites" or some other kind of negative thing. It’s like "I’ve worked hard for my stuff. Why should I give it to people who aren’t willing to …" It’s bigger than anti-communism, or anti-socialism. It’s more in the range of disdain.

Turkana’s point is disquieting to me because it’s something I don’t want to think, that all of this is just racism, or classism, or "other-ism" [xenophobia] – some kind of well-rationalized selfishness. But, at the core, that is what I think. And I think these friends think of me naive, or falsely altruistic, or something equally unflattering. I guess I ought to ask them…

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