Obama’s existence…

Posted on Tuesday 20 October 2009

One reason for following Rush Limbaugh’s web site is that it has become the go-to place to keep up with the Republican/Conservative Talking Points. I suppose this one was predictable, though I never saw it coming. The formula apparently goes like this:
Healthcare Reform = Socialized Medicine = Socialism = Communism
I remember when the Berlin Wall fell saying, "What are our Action Movies going to use for enemies?" The Arab Terrorists jumped into the role in a heartbeat. Later I wondered, "What will Conservative Politics be without the Russian Commies?" Looks like they’ve filled the hole with Obama. A Media Tweak of my own, "It’s not the color of Obama’s skin Limbaugh opposes. It’s Obama’s existence."

The Wikipedia entry for Communism is surprisingly clear:
Communism is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general. Karl Marx posited that communism would be the final stage in human society, which would be achieved through a proletarian revolution. "Pure communism" in the Marxian sense refers to a classless, stateless and oppression-free society where decisions on what to produce and what policies to pursue are made democratically, allowing every member of society to participate in the decision-making process in both the political and economic spheres of life.

As a political ideology, communism is usually considered to be a branch of socialism; a broad group of economic and political philosophies that draw on the various political and intellectual movements with origins in the work of theorists of the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution. Communism attempts to offer an alternative to the problems with the capitalist market economy and the legacy of imperialism and nationalism. Marx states that the only way to solve these problems is for the working class [proletariat], who according to Marx are the main producers of wealth in society and are exploited by the Capitalist-class [bourgeoisie], to replace the bourgeoisie as the ruling class in order to establish a free society, without class or racial divisions. The dominant forms of communism, such as Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism and Trotskyism are based on Marxism, but non-Marxist versions of communism [such as Christian communism and anarcho-communism] also exist.

Karl Marx never provided a detailed description as to how communism would function as an economic system, but it is understood that a communist economy would consist of common ownership of the means of production, culminating in the negation of the concept of private ownership of capital, which referred to the means of production in Marxian terminology. In modern usage, communism is often used to refer to Bolshevism or Marxism-Leninism. As a political movement, communist regimes have historically been authoritarian and coercive governments concerned primarily with preserving their own power, with no substantive concern for the welfare of the proletariat.
Accusations of Communism were popular in the United States throughout the 20th Century – particularly is the face of the massive Communist Revolutions in Russia [1919] and China [1949], and in the period we called the Cold War. I quoted Wikipedia for this:
"Communism attempts to offer an alternative to the problems with the capitalist market economy and the legacy of imperialism and nationalism. Marx states that the only way to solve these problems is for the working class [proletariat], who according to Marx are the main producers of wealth in society and are exploited by the Capitalist-class [bourgeoisie], to replace the bourgeoisie as the ruling class in order to establish a free society, without class or racial divisions."
We are up to our eyeballs in the "problems with the capitalist market economy and the legacy of imperialism and nationalism" right now. We’re coming off of a thirty year run where our capitalist market economy has been increasingly out of control [we’re not doing so hot on the imperialism and nationalism fronts either]. So, it’s time to rein these forces in before they destroy us, as they are want to do unchecked. So I suppose it makes sense that the representatives of those forces are howling about Communism – the creeping Red Menace. It’s interesting to note that the object of these attacks is actually not a very good target. I can see no place where our President is following a Marxist solution – suggesting that the the "working class [proletariat] … replace the bourgeoisie as the ruling class in order to establish a free society."

Obama’s approach is to support the Financial Institutions that made the mess, use government stimulus to jumpstart a recovering economy, and solve the problems of the capitalist market economy by re-establishing restraints to stop and prevent it being abused. The guy is a Capitalist, trying to make it work in the non-Communist way. And as for Healthcare, he’s advocating keeping it private for the most part, including private insurance for most. If he’s a Socialist or a Communist, he sure isn’t showing his colors with these policies.

This accusation of Limbaugh’s is his most destructive yet. It’s a thinly disguised attempt to divert attention from the fact that the financial elite have been having a field day that has us on our knees. We absolutely cannot continue down the current path, and have to have the kind of restraints that we elected Obama to put in place. The tragedy is that the very people Rush is trying to stir up with his red-baiting are the victims of the market raiders Limbaugh represents…
    October 20, 2009 | 12:36 PM

    It seems to me that all the negative vibes this blowhard (Rush Hudson Limbaugh A.KA. Jeff Christie) has been spewing over these many years has come back to blow back on his face (A classic “Blow Back”). He always tries to give off the airs that he can have anything he wants but as we all witness those with more money and more influence tossed him aside like sack of potatoes and the ultimate insult was that it was done in public (money don’t buy you everything butterball).

    Now of course he blames everyone else (Michael J. Fox, Perez Hilton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Sonia Sotomayor, Hillary Clinton, Olympia Snowe, ESPN, NFL, the media, basically people of color, the handicapped, women and gays) when of course all you have to do is listen to his show and plainly hear his daily prejudices filled sermons. So NFL, I salute you decision, job well done. And to the whaling cry baby perched on his self made pedestal, quit your whining it was your own fault. You are reaping what he has sowed, KARMA, “Palin and simple” like his followers. Don’t we all feel better?


    October 20, 2009 | 8:58 PM

    […] are losing their nation. It goes along with the theme of my posts Elephant? Fox? symptoms…, Obama’s existence…, Jesus loves the little children…, we all worry…, and anything that come out […]

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