maybe that’s the way it always goes…

Posted on Wednesday 18 November 2009

In my last post, I compiled the figures for our staggering Trade Deficit, and the deterioration in our international investment position since 1980 – the Reaganomics era. We know that it was also the time when our income tax was radically cut and revised to an almost flat percentage rate – a huge boon to those in the upper income brackets. It was the beginning of deregulation of banks and financial institutions, again benefitting the richer among us. And it was the time when our National Debt skyrocketed. I want to add one more graph to the mix. The GINI Index measures wealth inequity. So Reaganomics was a time when the rich got richer – a whole lot richer:

Another way to look at wealth is to look at the mean income of the various percentiles of our population:

The graph shows that the lower 95% of our population has essentially stagnated since Reagan. People between 95% and 99.9% have had a modest rise in income. And the top 0.1% have done really well.

I suppose we already know this, but Reaganomics was a code word for the takeover of the United States by the business elite, the wealthy. In the twenty-eight years that followed Reagan’s election [twenty of which were under Republican Administrations], we’ve basically sold off a lot of American business, outsourced an untold number of American jobs, and allowed dangerous Trade Deficits to develop. The Reagan revolution, as it was called, was a boon to the wealthy, but a growing disaster for the  vast majority. In the process, we moved from a product based economy to a service based economy [service jobs disappear in times of Recession – like now].

We really cannot "recover" from this Recession. Our only choice is to gut our way through it and try to undo some of the damage done by letting Wall Street’s short term whims direct [and destroy] us. That’s our only choice. If we fall back under another Republican Administration like Reagan/Bush/Bush, our course will be to simply dig a deeper hole. I certainly hope we don’t have to get sicker, in order to finally start trying to get well. We’re sick enough already. In some ways, I can see why the Republicans like to scream "Socialism" or "Communism." It’s because it is a Class War, only it’s being driven by the destructive behavior of the uppermost Class. Maybe that’s the way it always goes. It’s funny. Nobody is after the wealthy. They just need to think about the rest of the country while they sit around and be rich together.

The remarkable part is that what "they" want is being supported by many who are in the Class that they’ve hurt the most. From where I sit, those people are being duped by appealing to racial, sexual, and religious prejudices, irrational fears, and with outright lies. Again, maybe that’s the way it always goes. But it’s a shame, because this really is a great country to be a part of…

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