enhanced screening…

Posted on Sunday 3 January 2010

Just Out from TSA
Talking Points Memo

by Josh Marshall
January 3, 2010

The TSA just released the following statement on updated, permanent security measures, effective tomorrow …

"Today, the Transportation Security Administration issued new security directives to all United States and international air carriers with inbound flights to the U.S. effective January 4, 2010. The new directive includes long-term, sustainable security measures developed in consultation with law enforcement officials and our domestic and international partners."

"Because effective aviation security must begin beyond our borders, and as a result of extraordinary cooperation from our global aviation partners, TSA is mandating that every individual flying into the U.S. from anywhere in the world traveling from or through nations that are state sponsors of terrorism or other countries of interest will be required to go through enhanced screening. The directive also increases the use of enhanced screening technologies and mandates threat-based and random screening for passengers on U.S. bound international flights."
It would’ve been fine with me to call it anything other that enhanced screening. Enhanced anything has gotten a bad rap here lately. Beyond that, I’m still hot on developing an anxiety probe.

But my central reaction goes back to this post. I think it’s naive to think that we can feel assured that we can develop a 100% sure system to avoid the possibility of some kind of attack. al Qeda is obsessed with finding small holes in any system we create – liquids, mixing chemical on the plane, etc. It is our collective PTSD in action – "preventing the past." I think the place to beat al Qaeda is wherever al Qaeda is – Iraq, Pakistan, Yemin – not in airport screening.

Frankly, if al Qaeda is in Yemin, then Yemin may be where we need to be fighting al Qaeda. Muslims don’t fight other Muslims easily – and we may need to do the job ourselves. The fact that Bush and Cheney perverted our whole effort by invading Iraq doesn’t relieve us from the very real threat from al Qaeda.

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