
Posted on Wednesday 20 January 2010

    January 21, 2010 | 9:38 AM

    I know you are probably not upset with President Obama now ,but I am. I don’t consider myself a fair weather supporter of the president but I’m very upset with him. There was too much to lose for Democrats to lose the late Senator Kennedy’s Senate seat. I haven’t read all of Salon.com comment about the present situation but I agree with what I’ve read so far. I saw the President interviewed about the new Senator- elect Brown saying the senate should wait until Brown is a senator before doing anything about the healthcare bill and I almost choked. Hasn’t he learned yet that the Republicans will do everything they can to try to destroy his presidency until they get their power back. From a previous column of yours there were possible reasons a famous radio host talks and acts the way he does, what does that say about other Republicans.

    January 21, 2010 | 5:46 PM

    I think if Obama tried to push through health care reform at this point, he would have zero chances for getting anything else done for the rest of his term. They would block every appointment and every bill with a filibuster, and the Democrats wouldn’t be able to break them.

    The only chance to get anything done at this point is to pivot and go after some things that can get some bipartisan support.

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