we’re counting on you…

Posted on Wednesday 3 February 2010

Coming Friday, the monthly unemployment figures for January…

As much as we talk about the causes for this recession, or the ways we might get out of it, it’s hard to look at this graph without wondering if there isn’t something about it that evades our understanding – like there’s something out there that says, "Slow down and rethink what you’re doing." Something that won’t let up until we change our ways. Having proposed this retro-spiritual theory of our capitalist economy, I’m obligated to make a prediction – but humbled by the fact that America’s groundhogs are all out of sync this year. Will I go with the famous Punxsutawney Phil or stick with Georgia’s own General Beau Lee? I think I’m going for optimism and sticking with our southern star, General Beau Lee. So I’m looking for a beginning fall in the unemployment rate this Friday [and an early spring]…

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