a possibility…

Posted on Sunday 5 September 2010

As long as I’m on something of a negative roll, I’d like to complete things with a possibility that none of us would like to contemplate. For many of us it’s clear that the eight year long reign of George Bush and Dick Cheney was a disaster in most dimensions – the economy, foreign policy, our military interventions, our tax structure, our wealth inequity, the Press, our borrowing abroad, a resurgence of racism and classism, even some children got left behind. Worse, our Constitution and Principles were eroded beyond all recognition. We looked expectantly to Obama and the Democrats to make things right, and they’ve tried. Critics from our side of the fence have had tons of suggestions – bigger stimulus, jobs programs, a "truth commission," etc. What if there isn’t anything that Obama or anyone else can do that would work? What if the failed presidency of Bush/Cheney was just too much, a perfect storm of sorts, and that the way things are is the way they’re going to be until some new equilibrium is reached? that there is no "fix?" that we’re in for a long "slump?"

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