borrowing a war…

Posted on Thursday 9 September 2010

I’ve discovered another graphologist, only she’s legit – Catherine Mulbrandon’s blog VisualizingEconomics. Here are a few about the National Debt from the Chicago Tribune.

I’ll just let them speak for themselves for the moment. Do take a look at VisualizingEconomics, she has quite a collection [with a well indexed search option]. She’s collaborating with Timothy Noah on the Slate series mentioned in the last post…

Update 6:00 PM: If you look at that top figure, there’s a huge factoid that’s not very obvious. What it means is that the top number is what we owe now and the number in parentheses is what we owed at the end of 2000. Here are those numbers pulled out and displayed on their own as a bar graph:


So we borrowed $817 Billion from China. The net borrowing from just those countries listed on this figure came to $2.1 Trillion! It’s hard to imagine, much less digest. When the Republicans blame Obama for the debt next time, I may become physically ill. $2.1 Trillion! That’s how they paid for the Invasion of Iraq. That’s how the covered their tax cuts.

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