Sharia Law, Kenyan anti-colonialism, Soviet Tyranny, Secular Socialism…

Posted on Monday 20 September 2010

Gingrich Calls For Federal Ban On Shariah Law In US
Talking Points Memo

by Evan McMorris-Santoro
September 18, 2010

The second morning of speeches at the Values Voter Summit here in DC was dominated by a man who is swiftly becoming the nation’s spokesperson for Islamophobia – former House speaker Newt Gingrich. Fresh off the release of his Islam-focused film "America At Risk," Gingrich told the crowd at VVS that it’s time to take federal action to prevent Shariah Law from infiltrating courtrooms in the US. "We should have a federal law that says sharia law cannot be recognized by any court in the United States," Gingrich said to a standing ovation from the audience. The law will let judges know, Gingrich said, that "no judge will remain in office that tried to use sharia law."

Gingrich made a not-so-subtle reference to the right wing meme about freshly-minted Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan which claims that Kagan is "sympathetic" to Shariah and — as some suggested during her confirmation hearings — might allow it to be recognized as law in the United States. But beyond the Kagan hit, Gingrich’s anti-Shariah talk inserted him directly into the most extreme end of the Islamophobic push-back against mosque projects all over the country…
Bet you that you haven’t thought about Sharia Law in a long time…
Obama dreams of his father? Keep dreaming
Washington Post
by Sally Quinn
September 19, 2010

Move over, Pastor Terry Jones. Conservative stalwarts Newt Gingrich and Dinesh D’Souza have knocked you out of the headlines with a stunning new assault on the president’s beliefs. Oh, the media blitz that followed! The angry White House reaction, the publicity! In case you hadn’t heard, D’Souza wrote a piece about the president in Forbes magazine. "Incredibly, the U.S. is being ruled according to the dreams of a Luo tribesman of the 1950s," he wrote. "This philandering, inebriated African socialist, who raged against the world for denying him the realization of his anticolonial ambitions, is now setting the nation’s agenda through the reincarnation of his dreams in his son."

Gingrich swooned. "Stunning," he said. "The most profound insight I have read in the last six years about Barack Obama." And "what if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]? That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior." Kenyan behavior? With that barely disguised racist allusion, they are painting Obama as "the other," not like you and me…
… or, for that matter, Kenyan anti-colonialism. Has Newt Gingrich lost his sanity? Not according to Colin Powell – he’s grandstanding:

Retired General and former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Colin Powell criticized the Tea Party movement’s inflammatory attacks against President Obama this morning during an appearance on NBC’s Meet The Press, singling out the rhetoric of Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin. Powell said that while “there’s nothing wrong” with people like Sarah Palin “going out there, presenting her views and animating American political life,” “one of the problems that I’m having with all of this right now is that there is a certain undercurrent of thought that is not helpful.” “When people want to attack the President, attack him. Presidents are used to being attacked. But let’s not go down low,” Powell said.

Pressed by host David Gregory to respond to Newt Gingrich’s recent suggestion that Obama was displaying anti-colonial Kenyan behavior, Powell warned Americans to “think carefully” about Gingrich’s accusations and went on to debunk some of the right-wing’s conspiracy theories:
    POWELL: I would just tell my fellow Americans, think carefully about what was just said. Think carefully about some of the stuff that is coming across the blogs and airwaves. Let’s make a couple of points. One, the President was born in the United States of America. Let’s get rid of that one, let’s get rid of the birther thing. Let’s attack him on policy, not nonsense. Next, he is a Christian, he is not a Muslim…And I think we have to be careful when we take things like Dinesh D’Souza’s book, which is the source of all of this, and suggest that somehow the President of the United States is channeling his dead father through some Kenyan spirits. This doesn’t make any sense. Mr. Gingrich does these things from time to time with a big, bold statement. He did it with Sotomayor, she is a “reverse racist.” He did it with Elena Kagan, she ought to be taken off the nomination for Supreme Court justice. And he does it occasionally to make news and also to stir up dust.

Powell said that this kind of rhetoric “may appeal to the fringe elements of the party,” but won’t appeal “to all Republicans” or “the whole country.” He also suggested “it might be good for the President to have the Republicans owning one of the two bodies of our Congress, because then they have responsibility.” “You can’t just say ‘no’ to everything. You can’t just sit around beating up the President,” he added. It’s unlikely, however, that Gingrich will take Powell’s advice and stop stirring up dust. At yesterday’s Values Voter Summit in Washington D.C., Gingrich accused HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius of “Soviet tyranny” and suggested that the Congress should pass a law “that says sharia law cannot be recognized by any court in the United States.”
[whoops! I left out Soviet Tyranny]. And then there was Newt’s recent book, Stopping Obama’s Secular-Socialist Machine. He can’t quite seem to land on an attack that suits him. I’m speechless…
    September 20, 2010 | 9:10 AM

    Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. Plato

    This captures something of explicating Powell vs. Gingrich – for me anyway.

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