like a bad dream…

Posted on Tuesday 16 November 2010

The groundbreaking for the Bush Presidential Library was tonight with Dick Cheney in a "rare" appearance. All the papers are saying he lost weight in the hospital and wants to "keep it off." Maybe that’s right, but it looks like Cardiac Wasting to me and it doesn’t bode well for Cheney’s longevity. George is looking a bit weathered himself. I wanted to look at Cheney in his ill health and feel sympathetic for his infirmity. While I did feel that, I made the mistake of watching him in the video – and when he threw out a few of his contempt laden barbs, I felt the old juices flowing. I thought about all the deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, their torture program, and the miserable state our economy is in. I thought about the nasty Republican politics over the last two years. So even his obviously very poor state of health didn’t take away what I think they did to our country. And with me, it feels personal. It always has. We were in the hands of petulant children in a time when we needed grown-ups. It just feels like a bad dream I can’t wake up from…

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