I just watched a New York Times interview with a young Egyptian blogger, Gigi Ibrahim, a recent graduate of the American University in Cairo. It’s the most helpful thing I’ve seen so far. She spent her adolescence in California, and knows what Americans want to know, so her discussion seemed much more informed than the […]
Like everyone else in the world, I’ve been watching the happenings in Egypt on television. I don’t have much to say about the things at the top, or what it all means for American foreign policy. That hardly seems to be the point right now. From our visit, neither of us is surprised at all. […]
A Memory: My first faculty job after Residency involved running the CIS [Crisis Intervention Service]. That’s what we called the Psychiatric Emergency Room at Grady Hospital in Atlanta. It was the mid 1970s, when the Community Mental Health Movement was running out of juice [and money], but still the paradigm du jour. I was asked […]
I have this to report about the charge of the horses and camel in downtown Cairo yesterday by the Mubarak supporters thugs other people. Horses, plenty enough, but I could only find one camel and rider – shown above [reviewing multiple videos]. The demonstrators were able to pull the cavalry of the counter-demonstrators off of […]
Academic Psychologists have well defined one application of the Scientific Method to the study of we animals. Classically, there are two indentical groups, save for a single parameter. Anterior to the study, the Investigator declares the outcome measurement. So: we record the baseline measurement [to assure the groups are the same] we introduce the change […]
Leah’s a friend of my daughter’s since late Middle School. They’ve kept up and I still periodically see her when my daughter visits us. She’s a 40 year old single mother with 9 year old twins, lives in the City, has a good job, something to do with computers in the advertising business. When I […]