So back to Dr. Poses. He has a post up right now that’s the biggest of points that needs the legs of a centipede, NYU Faculty Vote No Confidence in their President. Not long ago, he had another, At University of Miami, Faculty Without Confidence in their Hired Managers Afraid to Identify Themselves. The point is the corporatization of Academic Institutions with the loss of the academic mission, and it’s a mighty big point. In Atlanta, I watched the Department I left in the 1980s thrive under Dr. Charles Nemeroff while Emory University tolerated years of sheenanigans that should’ve been firing offenses, simply because he was a four star fundraiser. But it has happened in medical schools, departments of psychiatry, as well as in our most esteemed colleges all over the country. echo echo echo echo echo echo…
I got to wondering if I had a theme. I’m sure there are a number, but the one that comes most quickly to mind is future·think. It’s an old one with me. I left a career in academic research because of it a thousand years ago. Forced to practice medicine by being drafted, I found that practicing medicine was something that I liked doing much more than I would’ve imagined, and that my immersion in studying things we didn’t yet know lost it’s relevance. That’s not really true, because I still love to read about the leading edge of science of all kinds. I guess a better way to say it is that I found that the future didn’t help the patient I was seeing right now, and that a better place to focus my attention was on mastering what we do know.
Modern psychiatry is so sick with future·think that I’m beginning to think it ought to be added to the DSM [why not? everything else is in there]. For the last thirty years, we lived on the promise of the neoKraepelinian Tenets, that the brave new world of biomedical psychiatry [AKA clinical neuroscience] is just around the corner. Don’t get me wrong here. I actually think some of the biological advances available now are impressive. They’re just so over-blown, so over-talked-about and so over-used that their worth gets lost in the din of BS. If my child has an acute schizophrenic episode, I’ll find her a psychiatrist who knows his/her drugs for the up-front treatment and is then obsessed with lowering doses aiming for zero while following closely [and is equally obsessed with informed psychosocial interventions]. If my spouse had Melancholia, I’d find her a biological psychiatrist and I wouldn’t let my personal distaste for the idea of ECT stop them if it came to that. Many will disagree with those comments, but I just know that’s what I would do.
But the general theme of future·think in psychiatry grates like fingernails on a chalkboard. It’s so prevalent that the whole DSM-5 was built around it. It’s leaders were so fixated on their notion of a future psychiatry with biomarkers [un·located] and biological treatments [un·specified] that they proposed building our diagnostic system around the idea [un·successful]. For years, our literature has been filled with articles with recent advances in, new horizons in, or novel approaches to in the title. It’s as if we knew nothing before 1980 [DSM-III] and are awaiting the just-around-the-corner things coming our way in the just-around-the-corner future. One of my personal laments is that because of the dis-satisfaction with what the likes of Freud, Meyer, and all the psychiatrists in between didn’t know, we threw out the basic skills of psychiatry they gave us in our love affair with clinical neuroscience.
I had an odd clinic day this week. When I left a busy clinic, I realized that I had written no prescriptions for an antidepressant, and I had seen three new adult patients who had all lived with the sequelae of childhood trauma, un·discussed for a lifetime. None brought it up, but it wasn’t hard to find – an averted gaze, some code-words, a history of fated self-exile. These are all things I would never have noticed as an Internist, but couldn’t miss now if I tried. I know it helped them to talk about these things [in part because they told me so]. This is a minor example of the things I came to psychiatry to learn to do, and I lament that they’re not being taught in the explosion of future·think. One of my best supervisors was a dedicated sleep-researcher obsessed with the REM sleep findings in depression, but that’s not what he taught me about. He was an absolute wizard as a clinician.
Another example of how much future·think has pervaded psychiatry came in the summer of 2011. It became apparent that the pharmaceutical companies were pulling out of CNS drug development. In spite of the fact that we’d known for some time that the "pipeline" of new drugs was empty, this mass exodus triggered a 911 level response. Article were written; conferences were held; the NIMH director’s blog filled with creative solutions; homilies were generated; and the ripples continue to be felt to this day. We’ve lived so much in the future that the loss of the future actually produced a Grief Reaction [maybe I should say a Major Depression]. And the notion that a new me-too drug must be better is another part of the clinical neuroscience future·think story [see Viibryd I…]. Best I can tell, the other option for a me-too is much more likely – the dregs.
All of the sciences are suffering from privatization. In order to escape the toxic effects of monetizing scientific endeavor, we’re going to need to force industry to make all their data available, and to publicly fund universities and research a lot more. Which means more tax revenue.
At this point, “future-think” appears to me to be a natural consequence of marketing and investment on top of the fact that psychiatry appears to be trying too hard to stake it’s claim as a science with too little evidence.
Very nice post.
the “corporatization of Academic Institutions” is a very public effort
an example from the UK
Strengthening Academic Psychiatry
Summary| Working Group Membership| Terms of Reference
The Academy has convened a high level working group to strengthen academic psychiatry in the UK. The objective of this group is to provide advice to further improve training in this area, work across traditional scientific and clinical discipline boundaries and draw upon best practice from other countries.
For further information please contact:
Working Group Membership:
Sir David Carter FMedSci (Chair)
Former Regius Professor of Clinical Surgery University of Edinburgh
Professor Jeremy Hall
Professor of Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh
Professor Paul Harrison
Head of Translational Neurobiology, University of Oxford
Mr Peter Hutchinson
Senior Surgical Fellow, University of Cambridge
Professor Shitij Kapur FMedSci
Dean, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London
Professor Christopher Kennard FMedSci
Head, Department of Clinical Neurology, University of Oxford
Professor Geraint Rees FMedSci
Director, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London
Professor Trevor Robbins CBE FRS FMedSci
Head of the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge
Professor Simon Wessely FMedSci
Vice Dean, Academic Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry King’s College London
Professor Nick Craddock FMedSci
Treasurer, Royal College of Psychiatrists
Professor Jim Neilson
Dean for Faculty Trainees, NIHR
Dr John Williams
Head, Neuroscience and Mental Health and Head, Clinical Activities, Wellcome Trust
Dr Kathryn Adcock
Mr Laurie Smith
Terms of Reference:
Identify the challenges and barriers, perceived or otherwise, in recruiting and retaining trainees in academic psychiatry and to make recommendations to strengthen the workforce in this area.
Consider how psychiatry and the neurosciences can work across traditional boundaries to develop an academic training programme that will equip future generations with the knowledge and skills required to meet healthcare needs.
Where appropriate, make comparisons of clinical academic workforce profiles in other countries, in particular the United States.
a forthcoming article in BJPsych also tackles this theme
The future of academic psychiatry may be social
Stefan Priebe, Tom Burns and Tom Craig
The past 30 years have produced no discoveries leading to major changes in psychiatric practice. The rules regulating research and a dominant neurobiological
paradigm may both have stifled creativity. Embracing a social paradigm could generate real progress and, simultaneously, make the profession more
Declaration of interest
The British Journal of Psychiatry (2013)
202, 1–2. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.116905
i missed pasting link to referenced article (above) in comment
follow this link to author proof of forthcoming article,%20Burns%20-%20The%20future%20of%20academic%20psychiatry%20may%20be%20social%20-%20review%20-%20BJP%20202,1-2.pdf