april is [once again] the cruelest month…

Posted on Tuesday 9 April 2013

Even when there’s no cure for an illness, it’s helpful for the afflicted to know what’s wrong – why they’re having trouble thinking:

Right on schedule…
    April 9, 2013 | 3:28 PM

    Aha! When I told one my psychiatrists that allergies didn’t make me cough and sneeze so much as they made me feel ditzy and disconnected as if I were looking on the world through a tunnel of sense deprivation. He said they had the same effect on him. That was one of the most vindicating moments I’ve had with psychiatry. The feeling is different from dissociation, it’s a different feeling of remoteness, a very physical feeling— like sleep deprivation— of being scatterbrained and out of it.

    Thanks for the reminder. The beauty of spring has a dark side.

    April 9, 2013 | 8:50 PM

    Vitamin B-3 – Niacin or niacinamide

    Good for allergies – including ‘cerebral allergies ‘- a root cause’ of ‘severe mental illness…Histamine is a key player in mental health, and niacin is a good way to work with it safely and effectively.

    Orthomolecular psychiatry has done it for years.


    April 10, 2013 | 4:02 PM

    I just so happen to have some niacin that I haven’t been taking until now. Thanks.

    April 10, 2013 | 4:11 PM

    Thanks for the tips. Today, I’m treating it by staying inside an air conditioned cabin, taking at least one anti-something from every bottle, and it’s fine. For me, early Spring is a spectator sport seen through a window. It’s beautiful!

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