
Archive for June, 2013



Depression and bipolar illness in the workplace impair productivity and are dearly expensive, as multiple studies have documented for decades. One would assume that such reports would have fueled widespread concern and action, but they have not, despite huge potential payoffs. Workplace Depression: Personalize, Partner, or Pay the Price by John F. Greden, M.D. I […]

its own pace…

The oldest map of the world shows Babylon [the rectangle] and its surrounding countries. British Museum 6th Century BC Hecataeus’ work, especially the Genealogiai, shows a marked scepticism of oral history, opening with "Hecataeus of Miletus thus speaks: I write what I deem true; for the stories of the Greeks are manifold and seem to […]


Healy was born in Raheny, Dublin. He completed an MD in neuroscience and studied psychiatry during a clinical research fellowship at Cambridge University Clinical School. In 1990, Healy became a Senior Lecturer in Psychological Medicine at North Wales… David Healy – in Wikipedia Pharmagossip recently linked to a good article on Alternet that tell an […]

coffee-house science…


Those of us coming into adolescence in the 1950s were too young to be Beatniks, but we knew something about the rules. It was kind of hard work. Go to the coffee house and talk about the really deep things in the universe, expressing unique and novel opinions without being committed to doing anything except […]

coming soon…

During the 1990s, we had a group that met to discuss traumatic illness at Emory where I was on the clinical faculty. There were biological researchers, a distinguished group of literature professors from the college, colleagues from the analytic institute, behavioral therapists [EMDR], the staff from the rape crisis unit, a guru from the false […]